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automatic differentiation not working in advanced examples?
I'm trying to find an example of how to use automatic differentiation in more complex ODE rather than those vanilla examples in the tutorials. Simple ODEs are quite easy to figure out, but I always have the trouble with the Dual Number
error in complex ODE models. Seems my ODE functions are always not generic enough. And I'd like to learn how to make it work.
I was trying to modify the Beeler-Reuter Model (the CPU version) in the advanced tutorial, as the original code doesn't work with autodiff=true
since it only accepts Float
. I finally manage to make it work, but I have many problems that I don't understand. Here is the modified working code:
using DifferentialEquations, Sundials, ForwardDiff
const v0 = -84.624
const v1 = 10.0
const C_K1 = 1.0f0
const C_x1 = 1.0f0
const C_Na = 1.0f0
const C_s = 1.0f0
const D_Ca = 0.0f0
const D_Na = 0.0f0
const g_s = 0.09f0
const g_Na = 4.0f0
const g_NaC = 0.005f0
const ENa = 50.0f0 + D_Na
const γ = 0.5f0
const C_m = 1.0f0
# make this parametric
mutable struct BeelerReuterCpu{T} <: Function
t::T # the last timestep time to calculate Δt
diff_coef::T # the diffusion-coefficient (coupling strength)
C::Array{T,2} # intracellular calcium concentration
M::Array{T,2} # sodium current activation gate (m)
H::Array{T,2} # sodium current inactivation gate (h)
J::Array{T,2} # sodium current slow inactivaiton gate (j)
D::Array{T,2} # calcium current activaiton gate (d)
F::Array{T,2} # calcium current inactivation gate (f)
XI::Array{T,2} # inward-rectifying potassium current (iK1)
Δu::Array{T,2} # place-holder for the Laplacian
function BeelerReuterCpu(u0::Array{T,2}, diff_coef::T) where {T}
self = new{T}()
ny, nx = size(u0)
self.t = 0.0
self.diff_coef = diff_coef
self.C = fill(0.0001f0, (ny, nx))
self.M = fill(0.01f0, (ny, nx))
self.H = fill(0.988f0, (ny, nx))
self.J = fill(0.975f0, (ny, nx))
self.D = fill(0.003f0, (ny, nx))
self.F = fill(0.994f0, (ny, nx))
self.XI = fill(0.0001f0, (ny, nx))
self.Δu = zeros(ny, nx)
return self
# 5-point stencil
function laplacian(Δu, u)
n1, n2 = size(u)
# internal nodes
for j = 2:n2-1
for i = 2:n1-1
@inbounds Δu[i, j] = u[i+1, j] + u[i-1, j] + u[i, j+1] + u[i, j-1] - 4 * u[i, j]
# left/right edges
for i = 2:n1-1
@inbounds Δu[i, 1] = u[i+1, 1] + u[i-1, 1] + 2 * u[i, 2] - 4 * u[i, 1]
@inbounds Δu[i, n2] = u[i+1, n2] + u[i-1, n2] + 2 * u[i, n2-1] - 4 * u[i, n2]
# top/bottom edges
for j = 2:n2-1
@inbounds Δu[1, j] = u[1, j+1] + u[1, j-1] + 2 * u[2, j] - 4 * u[1, j]
@inbounds Δu[n1, j] = u[n1, j+1] + u[n1, j-1] + 2 * u[n1-1, j] - 4 * u[n1, j]
# corners
@inbounds Δu[1, 1] = 2 * (u[2, 1] + u[1, 2]) - 4 * u[1, 1]
@inbounds Δu[n1, 1] = 2 * (u[n1-1, 1] + u[n1, 2]) - 4 * u[n1, 1]
@inbounds Δu[1, n2] = 2 * (u[2, n2] + u[1, n2-1]) - 4 * u[1, n2]
@inbounds Δu[n1, n2] = 2 * (u[n1-1, n2] + u[n1, n2-1]) - 4 * u[n1, n2]
@inline function rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
inf = α / (α + β)
τ = 1.0f0 / (α + β)
return clamp(g + (g - inf) * expm1(-Δt / τ), 0.0f0, 1.0f0)
function update_M_cpu(g, v, Δt)
# the condition is needed here to prevent NaN when v == 47.0
α = isapprox(v, 47.0f0) ? 10.0f0 : -(v + 47.0f0) / (exp(-0.1f0 * (v + 47.0f0)) - 1.0f0)
β = (40.0f0 * exp(-0.056f0 * (v + 72.0f0)))
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_H_cpu(g, v, Δt)
α = 0.126f0 * exp(-0.25f0 * (v + 77.0f0))
β = 1.7f0 / (exp(-0.082f0 * (v + 22.5f0)) + 1.0f0)
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_J_cpu(g, v, Δt)
α = (0.55f0 * exp(-0.25f0 * (v + 78.0f0))) / (exp(-0.2f0 * (v + 78.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
β = 0.3f0 / (exp(-0.1f0 * (v + 32.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_D_cpu(g, v, Δt)
α = γ * (0.095f0 * exp(-0.01f0 * (v - 5.0f0))) / (exp(-0.072f0 * (v - 5.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
β = γ * (0.07f0 * exp(-0.017f0 * (v + 44.0f0))) / (exp(0.05f0 * (v + 44.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_F_cpu(g, v, Δt)
α = γ * (0.012f0 * exp(-0.008f0 * (v + 28.0f0))) / (exp(0.15f0 * (v + 28.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
β = γ * (0.0065f0 * exp(-0.02f0 * (v + 30.0f0))) / (exp(-0.2f0 * (v + 30.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_XI_cpu(g, v, Δt)
α = (0.0005f0 * exp(0.083f0 * (v + 50.0f0))) / (exp(0.057f0 * (v + 50.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
β = (0.0013f0 * exp(-0.06f0 * (v + 20.0f0))) / (exp(-0.04f0 * (v + 20.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_C_cpu(g, d, f, v, Δt)
ECa = D_Ca - 82.3f0 - 13.0278f0 * log(g)
kCa = C_s * g_s * d * f
iCa = kCa * (v - ECa)
inf = 1.0f-7 * (0.07f0 - g)
τ = 1.0f0 / 0.07f0
return g + (g - inf) * expm1(-Δt / τ)
function update_gates_cpu(u, XI, M, H, J, D, F, C, Δt)
# let Δt = Float32(Δt) # remove the Let
n1, n2 = size(u)
for j = 1:n2
for i = 1:n1
v = u[i, j]
XI[i, j] = update_XI_cpu(XI[i, j], v, Δt)
M[i, j] = update_M_cpu(M[i, j], v, Δt)
H[i, j] = update_H_cpu(H[i, j], v, Δt)
J[i, j] = update_J_cpu(J[i, j], v, Δt)
D[i, j] = update_D_cpu(D[i, j], v, Δt)
F[i, j] = update_F_cpu(F[i, j], v, Δt)
C[i, j] = update_C_cpu(C[i, j], D[i, j], F[i, j], v, Δt)
# end
# iK1 is the inward-rectifying potassium current
function calc_iK1(v)
ea = exp(0.04f0 * (v + 85.0f0))
eb = exp(0.08f0 * (v + 53.0f0))
ec = exp(0.04f0 * (v + 53.0f0))
ed = exp(-0.04f0 * (v + 23.0f0))
return 0.35f0 * (
4.0f0 * (ea - 1.0f0) / (eb + ec) +
0.2f0 * (isapprox(v, -23.0f0) ? 25.0f0 : (v + 23.0f0) / (1.0f0 - ed))
# ix1 is the time-independent background potassium current
function calc_ix1(v, xi)
ea = exp(0.04f0 * (v + 77.0f0))
eb = exp(0.04f0 * (v + 35.0f0))
return xi * 0.8f0 * (ea - 1.0f0) / eb
# iNa is the sodium current (similar to the classic Hodgkin-Huxley model)
function calc_iNa(v, m, h, j)
return C_Na * (g_Na * m^3 * h * j + g_NaC) * (v - ENa)
# iCa is the calcium current
function calc_iCa(v, d, f, c)
ECa = D_Ca - 82.3f0 - 13.0278f0 * log(c) # ECa is the calcium reversal potential
return C_s * g_s * d * f * (v - ECa)
function update_du_cpu(du, u, XI, M, H, J, D, F, C)
n1, n2 = size(u)
for j = 1:n2
for i = 1:n1
v = u[i, j]
# calculating individual currents
iK1 = calc_iK1(v)
ix1 = calc_ix1(v, XI[i, j])
iNa = calc_iNa(v, M[i, j], H[i, j], J[i, j])
iCa = calc_iCa(v, D[i, j], F[i, j], C[i, j])
# # total current
I_sum = iK1 + ix1 + iNa + iCa
# # the reaction part of the reaction-diffusion equation
du[i, j] = -I_sum / C_m
function (f::BeelerReuterCpu)(du, u, p, t)
Δt = t - f.t
if Δt != 0 || t == 0
eltype(u).(f.XI), # type conversion
f.t = t
laplacian(eltype(u).(f.Δu), u) # type conversion
# calculate the reaction portion
update_du_cpu(du, u, f.XI, f.M, f.H, f.J, f.D, f.F, f.C)
# ...add the diffusion portion
du .+= f.diff_coef .* f.Δu
N = 10;
u0 = fill(v0, (N, N));
u0[5:6,5:6] .= v1; # a small square in the middle of the domain
using Plots
deriv_cpu = BeelerReuterCpu(u0, 1.0);
prob = ODEProblem(deriv_cpu, u0, (0.0, 5.0))
# Lower tolerances to show the methods converge to the same value
@time sol=solve(prob, TRBDF2(autodiff = true), saveat = 100.0)
The main changes are :
- Make the
struct BeelerReuterCpu
parametric. - In the
(f::BeelerReuterCpu)(du, u, p, t)
function, when callingupdate_gates_cpu
functions, the aruguments are converted to the type ofu
, likeeltype(u).(f.Δu)
I made these changes otherwise I get the Dual Number
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching Float64(::ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{SciMLBase.UJacobianWrapper{ODEFunction{true, BeelerReuterCpu{Float64}, LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling{Bool}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, typeof(SciMLBase.DEFAULT_OBSERVED), Nothing}, Float64, SciMLBase.NullParameters}, Float64}, Float64, 12})
Closest candidates are:
(::Type{T})(::Real, ::RoundingMode) where T<:AbstractFloat at rounding.jl:200
(::Type{T})(::T) where T<:Number at boot.jl:760
(::Type{T})(::AbstractChar) where T<:Union{AbstractChar, Number} at char.jl:50
My questions are:
- why type conversion is needed when calling
but notupdate_du_cpu
inside(f::BeelerReuterCpu)(du, u, p, t)
? - I used parametric type in
to make the type consistent betweenu
and the fields inBeelerReuterCpu
. I assume that's necessary for theDual Number
to work, but obviously that's not enough. I suppose that's because thestruct
is not created dynamically? Is there a way to do that. - In the Documentation it is said
is needed to avoid theDual Number
error when using cache. The cache example given there was very straightforward. But I wonder what exactly is considered as cache. Does it include any intermediary calculation variables?
I hope there could be an example of complex ODE with automatic differentiation. All the complex ODE examples in the tutorials and benchmarks only accept Float
and therefore doesn't work for automatic differentiation.
why type conversion is needed when calling update_gates_cpu and laplacian but not update_du_cpu inside (f::BeelerReuterCpu)(du, u, p, t)?
It shouldn't be needed. The code should be improved to not require it.
I used parametric type in BeelerReuterCpu to make the type consistent between u and the fields in BeelerReuterCpu . I assume that's necessary for the Dual Number to work, but obviously that's not enough. I suppose that's because the struct is not created dynamically? Is there a way to do that.
That's the right idea.
In the Documentation it is said DiffEqBase.dualcache is needed to avoid the Dual Number error when using cache. The cache example given there was very straightforward. But I wonder what exactly is considered as cache. Does it include any intermediary calculation variables?
Yes, you'll need to essentially do this trick at a larger scale for all of the caches in here. You're on the right track.
I used parametric type in BeelerReuterCpu to make the type consistent between u and the fields in BeelerReuterCpu . I assume that's necessary for the Dual Number to work, but obviously that's not enough. I suppose that's because the struct is not created dynamically? Is there a way to do that.
That's the right idea.
Can you point to any documents that discuss this? I have no clue...
In the Documentation it is said DiffEqBase.dualcache is needed to avoid the Dual Number error when using cache. The cache example given there was very straightforward. But I wonder what exactly is considered as cache. Does it include any intermediary calculation variables?
Yes, you'll need to essentially do this trick at a larger scale for all of the caches in here. You're on the right track.
I don't see where caches are created. Does something like Δu[i, j] = u[i+1, j] + u[i-1, j] + u[i, j+1] + u[i, j-1] - 4 * u[i, j]
actually generates cache? I thought it doesn't.
It's using a cache Δu
. How was that matrix created? That should be something dispatching between Dual and not Dual.
So basically all the arrays in the struct
are caches? I thought it refers to temporary caches allocated during calculations.
mutable struct BeelerReuterCpu{T} <: Function
t::T # the last timestep time to calculate Δt
diff_coef::T # the diffusion-coefficient (coupling strength)
C::Array{T,2} # intracellular calcium concentration
M::Array{T,2} # sodium current activation gate (m)
H::Array{T,2} # sodium current inactivation gate (h)
J::Array{T,2} # sodium current slow inactivaiton gate (j)
D::Array{T,2} # calcium current activaiton gate (d)
F::Array{T,2} # calcium current inactivation gate (f)
XI::Array{T,2} # inward-rectifying potassium current (iK1)
Δu::Array{T,2} # place-holder for the Laplacian
Yes, each of those need to be dual caches. Those are all used as temporary storage.
I created all the caches and pass them as parameters, and now it works.
However, I had trouble with the log
functions in the code ( inside calc_iCa
and update_C_cpu
First, I came across the Fixing NaN/Inf Issues
in ForwardDiff
and I had to set NANSAFE_MODE_ENABLED=true
. That removed the NaN
But after that the log
functions still throw errors (which does not happen if autodiff=false
). Obviously the arguments are negative. I'm not sure if this is a ForwardDiff
problem or the negative numbers were generated by the ODE solver because of inappropriate time stepping. I reduced the tolerance levels but that didn't help.
So my workaround was to add small positive numbers inside like in log(x+1e-10)
instead. But that's not ideal and I wonder if there are other ways to deal with this problem. The working code is attached behind.
ERROR: DomainError with -4.7521268120395714e-12:
log will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try log(Complex(x)).
[1] throw_complex_domainerror(f::Symbol, x::Float64)
@ Base.Math .\math.jl:33
[2] log(x::Float64)
@ Base.Math .\special\log.jl:285
[3] log
@ ~\.julia\packages\ForwardDiff\QOqCN\src\dual.jl:203 [inlined]
# this is where the log function is called:
[4] calc_iCa(v::ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{SciMLBase.UJacobianWrapper{ODEFunction{true, BeelerReuterCpu{Float64}, LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling{Bool}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, typeof(SciMLBase.DEFAULT_OBSERVED), Nothing}, Float64, NTuple{8, DiffEqBase.DiffCache{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}}}, Float64}, Float64, 12}, d::ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{SciMLBase.UJacobianWrapper{ODEFunction{true, BeelerReuterCpu{Float64}, LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling{Bool}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, typeof(SciMLBase.DEFAULT_OBSERVED), Nothing}, Float64, NTuple{8, DiffEqBase.DiffCache{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}}}, Float64}, Float64, 12}, f::ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{SciMLBase.UJacobianWrapper{ODEFunction{true, BeelerReuterCpu{Float64}, LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling{Bool}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, typeof(SciMLBase.DEFAULT_OBSERVED), Nothing}, Float64, NTuple{8, DiffEqBase.DiffCache{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}}}, Float64}, Float64, 12}, c::ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{SciMLBase.UJacobianWrapper{ODEFunction{true, BeelerReuterCpu{Float64}, LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling{Bool},
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, typeof(SciMLBase.DEFAULT_OBSERVED), Nothing}, Float64, NTuple{8, DiffEqBase.DiffCache{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{ForwardDiff.Dual{nothing, Float64, 12}}}}}, Float64}, Float64, 12})
using DifferentialEquations, Sundials, ForwardDiff, Plots
using DiffEqBase: get_tmp, dualcache
const v0 = -84.624
const v1 = 10.0
const C_K1 = Float64(1.0f0)
const C_x1 = Float64(1.0f0)
const C_Na = Float64(1.0f0)
const C_s = Float64(1.0f0)
const D_Ca = Float64(0.0f0)
const D_Na = Float64(0.0f0)
const g_s = Float64(0.09f0)
const g_Na = Float64(4.0f0)
const g_NaC = Float64(0.005f0)
const ENa = Float64(50.0f0) + D_Na
const γ = Float64(0.5f0)
const C_m = Float64(1.0f0)
mutable struct BeelerReuterCpu{T} <: Function
t::T # the last timestep time to calculate Δt
diff_coef::T # the diffusion-coefficient (coupling strength)
function BeelerReuterCpu(u0::Array{T,2}, diff_coef::T) where {T}
self = new{T}()
ny, nx = size(u0)
self.t = zero(T)
self.diff_coef = diff_coef
return self
# 5-point stencil
function laplacian(Δu, u)
n1, n2 = size(u)
# internal nodes
for j = 2:n2-1
for i = 2:n1-1
@inbounds Δu[i, j] = u[i+1, j] + u[i-1, j] + u[i, j+1] + u[i, j-1] - 4 * u[i, j]
# left/right edges
for i = 2:n1-1
@inbounds Δu[i, 1] = u[i+1, 1] + u[i-1, 1] + 2 * u[i, 2] - 4 * u[i, 1]
@inbounds Δu[i, n2] = u[i+1, n2] + u[i-1, n2] + 2 * u[i, n2-1] - 4 * u[i, n2]
# top/bottom edges
for j = 2:n2-1
@inbounds Δu[1, j] = u[1, j+1] + u[1, j-1] + 2 * u[2, j] - 4 * u[1, j]
@inbounds Δu[n1, j] = u[n1, j+1] + u[n1, j-1] + 2 * u[n1-1, j] - 4 * u[n1, j]
# corners
@inbounds Δu[1, 1] = 2 * (u[2, 1] + u[1, 2]) - 4 * u[1, 1]
@inbounds Δu[n1, 1] = 2 * (u[n1-1, 1] + u[n1, 2]) - 4 * u[n1, 1]
@inbounds Δu[1, n2] = 2 * (u[2, n2] + u[1, n2-1]) - 4 * u[1, n2]
@inbounds Δu[n1, n2] = 2 * (u[n1-1, n2] + u[n1, n2-1]) - 4 * u[n1, n2]
@inline function rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
inf = α / (α + β)
τ = 1.0f0 / (α + β)
return clamp(g + (g - inf) * expm1(-Δt / τ), 0.0f0, 1.0f0)
function update_M_cpu(g, v, Δt)
# the condition is needed here to prevent NaN when v == 47.0
α = isapprox(v, 47.0f0) ? 10.0f0 : -(v + 47.0f0) / (exp(-0.1f0 * (v + 47.0f0)) - 1.0f0)
β = (40.0f0 * exp(-0.056f0 * (v + 72.0f0)))
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_H_cpu(g, v, Δt)
α = 0.126f0 * exp(-0.25f0 * (v + 77.0f0))
β = 1.7f0 / (exp(-0.082f0 * (v + 22.5f0)) + 1.0f0)
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_J_cpu(g, v, Δt)
α = (0.55f0 * exp(-0.25f0 * (v + 78.0f0))) / (exp(-0.2f0 * (v + 78.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
β = 0.3f0 / (exp(-0.1f0 * (v + 32.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_D_cpu(g, v, Δt)
α = γ * (0.095f0 * exp(-0.01f0 * (v - 5.0f0))) / (exp(-0.072f0 * (v - 5.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
β = γ * (0.07f0 * exp(-0.017f0 * (v + 44.0f0))) / (exp(0.05f0 * (v + 44.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_F_cpu(g, v, Δt)
α = γ * (0.012f0 * exp(-0.008f0 * (v + 28.0f0))) / (exp(0.15f0 * (v + 28.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
β = γ * (0.0065f0 * exp(-0.02f0 * (v + 30.0f0))) / (exp(-0.2f0 * (v + 30.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_XI_cpu(g, v, Δt)
α = (0.0005f0 * exp(0.083f0 * (v + 50.0f0))) / (exp(0.057f0 * (v + 50.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
β = (0.0013f0 * exp(-0.06f0 * (v + 20.0f0))) / (exp(-0.04f0 * (v + 20.0f0)) + 1.0f0)
return rush_larsen(g, α, β, Δt)
function update_C_cpu(g, d, f, v, Δt)
ECa = D_Ca - 82.3f0 - 13.0278f0 * log(g+1e-11)
kCa = C_s * g_s * d * f
iCa = kCa * (v - ECa)
inf = 1.0f-7 * (0.07f0 - g)
τ = 1.0f0 / 0.07f0
return g + (g - inf) * expm1(-Δt / τ)
function update_gates_cpu(u, XI, M, H, J, D, F, C, Δt)
# let Δt = eltype(u).(Δt)
n1, n2 = size(u)
for j = 1:n2
for i = 1:n1
v = u[i, j]
XI[i, j] = update_XI_cpu(XI[i, j], v, Δt)
M[i, j] = update_M_cpu(M[i, j], v, Δt)
H[i, j] = update_H_cpu(H[i, j], v, Δt)
J[i, j] = update_J_cpu(J[i, j], v, Δt)
D[i, j] = update_D_cpu(D[i, j], v, Δt)
F[i, j] = update_F_cpu(F[i, j], v, Δt)
C[i, j] = update_C_cpu(C[i, j], D[i, j], F[i, j], v, Δt)
# end
# iK1 is the inward-rectifying potassium current
function calc_iK1(v)
ea = exp(0.04f0 * (v + 85.0f0))
eb = exp(0.08f0 * (v + 53.0f0))
ec = exp(0.04f0 * (v + 53.0f0))
ed = exp(-0.04f0 * (v + 23.0f0))
return 0.35f0 * (
4.0f0 * (ea - 1.0f0) / (eb + ec) +
0.2f0 * (isapprox(v, -23.0f0) ? 25.0f0 : (v + 23.0f0) / (1.0f0 - ed))
# ix1 is the time-independent background potassium current
function calc_ix1(v, xi)
ea = exp(0.04f0 * (v + 77.0f0))
eb = exp(0.04f0 * (v + 35.0f0))
return xi * 0.8f0 * (ea - 1.0f0) / eb
# iNa is the sodium current (similar to the classic Hodgkin-Huxley model)
function calc_iNa(v, m, h, j)
return C_Na * (g_Na * m^3 * h * j + g_NaC) * (v - ENa)
# iCa is the calcium current
function calc_iCa(v, d, f, c)
ECa = D_Ca - 82.3f0 - 13.0278f0 * log(c+1e-11) # ECa is the calcium reversal potential
return C_s * g_s * d * f * (v - ECa)
function update_du_cpu(du, u, XI, M, H, J, D, F, C)
n1, n2 = size(u)
for j = 1:n2
for i = 1:n1
v = u[i, j]
# calculating individual currents
iK1 = calc_iK1(v)
ix1 = calc_ix1(v, XI[i, j])
iNa = calc_iNa(v, M[i, j], H[i, j], J[i, j])
iCa = calc_iCa(v, D[i, j], F[i, j], C[i, j])
# # total current
I_sum = iK1 + ix1 + iNa + iCa
# # the reaction part of the reaction-diffusion equation
du[i, j] = -I_sum / C_m
function (f::BeelerReuterCpu)(du, u, p, t)
XI_cache=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(XI_cache, u)
M_cache=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(M_cache, u)
H_cache=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(H_cache, u)
J_cache=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(J_cache, u)
D_cache=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(D_cache, u)
F_cache=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(F_cache, u)
C_cache=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(C_cache, u)
Δu_cache=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(Δu_cache, u)
Δt = t - f.t
if Δt != eltype(u)(0) || t == eltype(u)(0)
update_gates_cpu(u, XI_cache, M_cache, H_cache, J_cache, D_cache, F_cache, C_cache, Δt)
f.t = t
laplacian(Δu_cache, u)
# # calculate the reaction portion
update_du_cpu(du, u, XI_cache, M_cache, H_cache, J_cache, D_cache, F_cache, C_cache)
# # ...add the diffusion portion
du .+= f.diff_coef .* Δu_cache
function odetest(u0,solver)
ny,nx = size(u0)
C_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.0001f0), (ny, nx)))
M_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.01f0), (ny, nx)))
H_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.988f0), (ny, nx)))
J_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.975f0), (ny, nx)))
D_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.003f0), (ny, nx)))
F_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.994f0), (ny, nx)))
XI_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.0001f0), (ny, nx)))
Δu_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(zeros(T,ny, nx))
p = (C_cache,M_cache,H_cache,J_cache,D_cache,F_cache,XI_cache,Δu_cache)
deriv_cpu = BeelerReuterCpu(u0, 1.0);
prob = ODEProblem(deriv_cpu, u0, (0.0, 50.),p)
@time sol = solve(prob, solver, saveat = 100.0)
deriv_cpu.t = 0.0
N = 50;
u0 = fill(v0, (N, N));
u0[23:27,23:27] .= v1; # a small square in the middle of the domain
odetest(u0,TRBDF2(autodiff = true))
The model might just not be that stable. decrease the tolerance?
Decreasing reltol
and abstol
down to 1e-15
doesn't make a difference. However, decreasing dtmax
does make the negative number in ERROR: DomainError with (a negative number)
smaller , like with dtmax = 1e-5
this negative number is comparable to the rounding error (1e-15). But still it's not possible to make it positive even with dtmax = 1e-15
. I tried KenCarp4, ABDF2, TRBDF2
and the error persists. None have the problem if autodiff
is turned off.
Also, it seems the DiffEqBase.dualcache
can only be passed as parameters p
to the ODE function (f::BeelerReuterCpu)(du, u, p, t)
, and cannot go inside the definition of mutable struct BeelerReuterCpu
that construct the OED function. Is that correct?
They can go into the struct.
I can't get it work to put the cache inside the struct. If I only add a cache inside like
mutable struct BeelerReuterCpu{T} <: Function
t::T # the last timestep time to calculate Δt
diff_coef::T # the diffusion-coefficient (coupling strength)
function BeelerReuterCpu(u0::Array{T,2}, diff_coef::T) where {T}
self = new{T}()
ny, nx = size(u0)
self.t = zero(T)
self.diff_coef = diff_coef
self.C_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.0001), (ny, nx)))
self.M_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.01), (ny, nx)))
self.H_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.988), (ny, nx)))
self.J_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.975), (ny, nx)))
self.D_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.003), (ny, nx)))
self.F_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.994), (ny, nx)))
self.XI_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.0001), (ny, nx)))
self.Δu_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(zeros(T,ny, nx))
return self
and do
function (f::BeelerReuterCpu)(du, u, p, t)
# something
f.XI_cache=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.XI_cache, u)
in the function body then the type mismatches since the right hand side becomes Matrix{Float64}
while the left hand side remains DiffEqBase.dualcache
So I though may be I need both the original arrays and their caches in the struct like
mutable struct BeelerReuterCache{T}
function BeelerReuterCache(u0::Array{T,2}) where{T}
self = new{T}()
ny,nx = size(u0)
self.C_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.0001), (ny, nx)))
self.M_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.01), (ny, nx)))
self.H_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.988), (ny, nx)))
self.J_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.975), (ny, nx)))
self.D_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.003), (ny, nx)))
self.F_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.994), (ny, nx)))
self.XI_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.0001), (ny, nx)))
self.Δu_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(zeros(T,ny, nx))
return self
# BeelerReuterCache(zeros(10,10))
mutable struct BeelerReuterCpu{T} <: Function
t::T # the last timestep time to calculate Δt
diff_coef::T # the diffusion-coefficient (coupling strength)
function BeelerReuterCpu(u0::Array{T,2}, diff_coef::T) where {T}
self = new{T}()
ny, nx = size(u0)
self.t = zero(T)
self.diff_coef = diff_coef
self.cache = BeelerReuterCache(u0)
self.C =fill(convert(T,0.0001), (ny, nx))
self.M =fill(convert(T,0.01), (ny, nx))
self.H = fill(convert(T,0.988), (ny, nx))
self.J = fill(convert(T,0.975), (ny, nx))
self.D = fill(convert(T,0.003), (ny, nx))
self.F = fill(convert(T,0.994), (ny, nx))
self.XI = fill(convert(T,0.0001), (ny, nx))
self.Δu = zeros(T,ny, nx)
return self
but that doesn't work either with
function (f::BeelerReuterCpu)(du, u, p, t)
# something
f.XI=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.cache.XI_cache, u)
Now the classic error MethodError: no method matching Float64(::ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{typeof(ff), Float64}, Float64, 12})
comes back.
It seems I need something to convert the cache to the original array and backwards too?
Anyway, what is the advantage of creating functions in this way like function (f::BeelerReuterCpu)(du, u, p, t)
where you can access the parameters and caches directly using f.
compared to say just define a separate function f(du,u,p,t)
and pass the parameters and caches through p using p.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
that should be a parameterized type.
I realized that in XI=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.XI_cache, u)
the left hand side doesn't need to be allocated. I was trying to allocate for that and that was the problem.
Now this works
mutable struct BeelerReuterCpu{T,chunk_size} <: Function
t::T # the last timestep time to calculate Δt
diff_coef::T # the diffusion-coefficient (coupling strength)
function BeelerReuterCpu(u0::Array{T,2}, diff_coef::T,::Val{chunk_size}) where {T,chunk_size}
self = new{T,chunk_size}()
ny, nx = size(u0)
self.t = zero(T)
self.diff_coef = diff_coef
self.C_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.0001), (ny, nx)),Val{chunk_size})
self.M_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.01), (ny, nx)),Val{chunk_size})
self.H_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.988), (ny, nx)),Val{chunk_size})
self.J_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.975), (ny, nx)),Val{chunk_size})
self.D_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.003), (ny, nx)),Val{chunk_size})
self.F_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.994), (ny, nx)),Val{chunk_size})
self.XI_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T,0.0001), (ny, nx)),Val{chunk_size})
self.Δu_cache = DiffEqBase.dualcache(zeros(T,ny, nx),Val{chunk_size})
return self
function (f::BeelerReuterCpu)(du, u, p, t)
XI=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.XI_cache, u)
M=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.M_cache, u)
H=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.H_cache, u)
J=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.J_cache, u)
D=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.D_cache, u)
F=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.F_cache, u)
C=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.C_cache, u)
Δu=DiffEqBase.get_tmp(f.Δu_cache, du)
Δt = t - f.t
if Δt != eltype(u)(0) || t == eltype(u)(0)
update_gates_cpu(u, XI, M, H, J, D, F, C, Δt)
f.t = t
laplacian(Δu, u)
# # calculate the reaction portion
update_du_cpu(du, u, XI, M, H, J, D, F, C)
# # ...add the diffusion portion
du .+= f.diff_coef .* Δu
Also this immutable version of the function struct with mutable cache struct
mutable struct BeelerReuterCpuCache{T,chunk_size}
struct BeelerReuterCpu{T,chunk_size}
# t::T # the last timestep time to calculate Δt
diff_coef::T # the diffusion-coefficient (coupling strength)
function BeelerReuterCpu(u0::Array{T,2}, diff_coef::T,
::Val{chunk_size}) where {T,chunk_size}
ny, nx = size(u0)
t = zero(T)
diff_coef = diff_coef
C = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T, 0.0001), (ny, nx)),
M = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T, 0.01), (ny, nx)), Val{chunk_size})
H = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T, 0.988), (ny, nx)), Val{chunk_size})
J = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T, 0.975), (ny, nx)), Val{chunk_size})
D = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T, 0.003), (ny, nx)), Val{chunk_size})
F = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T, 0.994), (ny, nx)), Val{chunk_size})
XI = DiffEqBase.dualcache(fill(convert(T, 0.0001), (ny, nx)),
Δu = DiffEqBase.dualcache(zeros(T, ny, nx), Val{chunk_size})
cache = BeelerReuterCpuCache{T,chunk_size}(t, C, M, H, J, D, F, XI, Δu)
return BeelerReuterCpu{T,chunk_size}(diff_coef, cache)
There's no performance difference. I thought the immutable version might be better... Anyway.
Thanks for the help!