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Allocations when using dualcache

Open dbstein opened this issue 2 years ago • 19 comments

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong in how I set things up, but dualcache seems to always generate allocations when requesting the dual portion of the cache. Here's the most minimal example I could think of; I posted a slightly less minimal example here. Writing my own (simpler, less flexible) version of get_tmp eliminates the issue. The following code:

using ForwardDiff, PreallocationTools

function my_get_tmp(dc::PreallocationTools.DiffCache, u::Vector{T}) where {T <: ForwardDiff.Dual}
    return reshape(reinterpret(T, dc.dual_du), size(dc.du))
function my_get_tmp(dc::PreallocationTools.DiffCache, u::Vector{T}) where {T <: Float64}
    return dc.du

function test()
    ChunkSize = 12
    for n in (10, 20)
        println("\nTesting for n=", n)
        A = zeros(n);
        DA = zeros(ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{nothing, Float64}, Float64, ChunkSize}, 10);
        cache = dualcache(A, ChunkSize);
        print("... get_tmp on Vector{Float64}\n")
        a = @allocated my_get_tmp(cache, A);  println(a)
        print("... get_tmp on Vector{Dual}\n")
        a = @allocated get_tmp(cache, DA); println(a)
        print("... my_get_tmp on Vector{Float64}\n")
        a = @allocated my_get_tmp(cache, A);  println(a)
        print("... my_get_tmp on Vector{Dual}\n")
        a = @allocated my_get_tmp(cache, DA); println(a)



julia> test()
Testing for n=10
... get_tmp on Vector{Float64}
... get_tmp on Vector{Dual}
... my_get_tmp on Vector{Float64}
... my_get_tmp on Vector{Dual}

Testing for n=20
... get_tmp on Vector{Float64}
... get_tmp on Vector{Dual}
... my_get_tmp on Vector{Float64}
... my_get_tmp on Vector{Dual}

I.e. results in allocations that scale with the vector size and are slightly larger than what I would think would be needed (8*Chunksize*n=960 for n=10 and 1920 for n=20). Using Julia v1.7.3, PreallocationTools v0.4.0, on Mac OSX 12.5.

dbstein avatar Aug 05 '22 14:08 dbstein

The view probably is allocating? Try

This was supposed to be solved:

ChrisRackauckas avatar Aug 05 '22 14:08 ChrisRackauckas

If using a simple reshape() instead of the ArrayInterfaceCore.restructure() the allocations disappear. Copy-paste version below:

using ForwardDiff, PreallocationTools

function my_get_tmp(dc::PreallocationTools.DiffCache, u::Vector{T}) where {T <: ForwardDiff.Dual}
    return reshape(reinterpret(T, dc.dual_du), size(dc.du))
function my_get_tmp(dc::PreallocationTools.DiffCache, u::Vector{T}) where {T <: Float64}
    return dc.du
function get_tmp2(dc::PreallocationTools.DiffCache, u::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:ForwardDiff.Dual
    nelem = div(sizeof(T), sizeof(eltype(dc.dual_du)))*length(dc.du)
    if nelem > length(dc.dual_du)
        enlargedualcache!(dc, nelem)
    reshape(reinterpret(T, view(dc.dual_du, 1:nelem)),size(dc.du))

function test()
    ChunkSize = 12
    for n in (10, 20)
        println("\nTesting for n=", n)
        A = zeros(n);
        DA = zeros(ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{nothing, Float64}, Float64, ChunkSize}, 10);
        cache = dualcache(A, ChunkSize);
        print("... get_tmp on Vector{Float64}\n")
        a = @allocated my_get_tmp(cache, A);  println(a)
        print("... get_tmp on Vector{Dual}\n")
        a = @allocated get_tmp(cache, DA); println(a)
        print("... my_get_tmp on Vector{Float64}\n")
        a = @allocated my_get_tmp(cache, A);  println(a)
        print("... my_get_tmp on Vector{Dual}\n")
        a = @allocated my_get_tmp(cache, DA); println(a)
        print("... get_tmp2 on Vector{Dual}\n")
        a = @allocated get_tmp2(cache, DA); println(a)


thomvet avatar Aug 05 '22 15:08 thomvet

Removing the view was the first thing I did when I tried to write my own, it didn't help:

using ForwardDiff, PreallocationTools, ArrayInterfaceCore

function my_get_tmp(dc::PreallocationTools.DiffCache, u::Vector{T}) where {T <: ForwardDiff.Dual}
    return reshape(reinterpret(T, dc.dual_du), size(dc.du))
function get_tmp2(dc::PreallocationTools.DiffCache, u::Vector{T}) where {T <: ForwardDiff.Dual}
    ArrayInterfaceCore.restructure(dc.du, reinterpret(T, dc.dual_du))

function test()
    ChunkSize = 12
    n = 10
    A = zeros(n);
    DA = zeros(ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{nothing, Float64}, Float64, ChunkSize}, 10);
    cache = dualcache(A, ChunkSize);
    print("... get_tmp on Vector{Dual}\n")
    a = @allocated get_tmp(cache, DA); println(a)
    print("... get_tmp2 on Vector{Dual}\n")
    a = @allocated get_tmp2(cache, DA); println(a)
    print("... my_get_tmp on Vector{Dual}\n")
    a = @allocated my_get_tmp(cache, DA); println(a)



... get_tmp on Vector{Dual}
... get_tmp2 on Vector{Dual}
... my_get_tmp on Vector{Dual}

Since I didn't know all of what's going on under the hood in restructure I switched it to reshape and voila.

dbstein avatar Aug 05 '22 15:08 dbstein

Is restructure changing the view to an array?

ChrisRackauckas avatar Aug 05 '22 15:08 ChrisRackauckas

I checked with earlier versions of PreallocationTools.jl (down to 0.2.4) where it was still ArrayInterface 5.y.z; the allocations also happen there.

thomvet avatar Aug 05 '22 15:08 thomvet

And is it because of changing a view to an Array?

ChrisRackauckas avatar Aug 05 '22 15:08 ChrisRackauckas

Is this the right way to test it?

using ArrayInterfaceCore
a = zeros(10)
ArrayInterfaceCore.restructure(a, reinterpret(Float32, view(a, 1:5)))

Then yes:

10-element Vector{Float32}:

thomvet avatar Aug 05 '22 15:08 thomvet

There's the allocation then. Does Adapt.jl's adapt allocate here? Maybe that's the primitive that should be used. Otherwise we could specialize restructure to keep the view here.

ChrisRackauckas avatar Aug 05 '22 15:08 ChrisRackauckas

I’ll have to look some more into it, but it looks like restructure() always allocates for non-Base.Array. Maybe it needs a general fix?

Regarding adapt() I have to play around more and understand better, but at the moment I don’t see how it can deliver a “reshape” (it just takes care of the wrappers?).

My proposal right now would be to do a fix for normal Arrays (simply doing a reshape, as I did above; same as dbstein’s version, but keeping the view) and care about the more advanced AbstractArrays later (ArrayPartition and friends).

CuArray would still need adapt though, right? (I don’t have a readily accessible Cuda GPU at hand to test).

thomvet avatar Aug 06 '22 05:08 thomvet

Yeah we can create a specialized dispatch on Array for now. I think in general it cannot just be a reshape because yes, it may need to be type matching in which case the view would get converted.

ChrisRackauckas avatar Aug 06 '22 11:08 ChrisRackauckas

Just a note here to say that I am playing around on this. I hope to have a PR with a (at least partial) fix today or tomorrow.

thomvet avatar Aug 09 '22 16:08 thomvet

Thanks for the fast work on it. Writing non-allocating Jacobians for complicated functions (or even allocating ones, for that matter) is a huge pain, and getting them for free is nothing short of magical.

dbstein avatar Aug 09 '22 17:08 dbstein fixes the allocations for Base Arrays now. However, I couldn't get rid of the reshape(reinterpret(...view(...)) wrappers and stay allocation free.

That said, I don't know whether the wrappers interfere with anything downstream negatively. At least in the cases that I use PreallocationTools for, it didn't cause a performance loss (actually, a small gain due to the allocations being gone).

I tested with Adapt, but also with unsafe_wrap (as a last resort):

function _restructure(normal_cache::Array, duals) 
    unsafe_wrap(Array, pointer(duals), size(normal_cache))

That gets rid of the wrappers and returns a correctly sized Array with duals, but it also causes allocations (because the view() is also removed?).

Finally, the more complex AbstractArray cases still allocate.

thomvet avatar Aug 10 '22 12:08 thomvet

@chriselrod do you know if there's a more general solution here?

ChrisRackauckas avatar Oct 13 '22 06:10 ChrisRackauckas

I got:

julia> test()
... get_tmp on Vector{Dual}
... get_tmp2 on Vector{Dual}
... my_get_tmp on Vector{Dual}

get_tmp2, which calls ArrayInterface.restructure(::Array, ::ReinterpretArray) calls convert(Array, ::ReinterpretArray), which is why it allocates.

chriselrod avatar Oct 23 '22 16:10 chriselrod

Yes we know. But is it possible to solve?

ChrisRackauckas avatar Oct 23 '22 17:10 ChrisRackauckas

Yes we know. But is it possible to solve?

Don't make a copy? Why the need for convert? What's wrong with the reinterpret array? Where is restructure being called?

Like, obviously we can avoid these allocations. SimpleChains uses just a single UInt8 buffer vector for all its temporaries, whether Bool, Float32, Float64, or ForwardDiffDual.

I'd just need more context on the design and why things are the way they are now to suggest an alternative approach.

chriselrod avatar Oct 23 '22 17:10 chriselrod

I am intrigued by this comment; it might be simpler to adapt this approach here as well. I don't think it will end up in a general solution for any AbstractArray type, though, but maybe it's a start towards one?

thomvet avatar Dec 02 '22 10:12 thomvet

The main issue is that it's a missing primitive, so it needs something in ArrayInterfaceCore to capture it. There is no primitive for "restructure but non-allocating". restructure is supposed to be type-matching: if you started with an ArrayPartition of Array, then after you restructure it should turn a Vector into an ArrayPartition of Array. @chriselrod 's comment is of course that if you want that to be non-allocating, that needs to be an ArrayPartition of SubArray, which is correct, but we don't have a primitive operation for "create a type that's like X but not exactly matching X, where the differences that are allowed are shortcuts that improve the performance".

I tend to think that this is a more fundamental issue that SubArray -> Array should just be a pointer thing and shouldn't actually allocate a new array, and I'm not sure why that is true in Julia, and so it would probaby be best to just get that fixed. But this notion of restructuring is actually quite important to PreallocationTools, in fact, it's how the current DiffCache works, so having some verbiage to ask for reshaping functionality to do this kind of stuff is likely useful in many places as long as this SubArray -> Array allocation exists.

ChrisRackauckas avatar Dec 02 '22 11:12 ChrisRackauckas