NeuralPDE.jl copied to clipboard
Multi Dimensional PDEs
Hi, I was about to solve a multi-dimensional Stochastic PDE like the one that used to be in the documentation. No wonder why you removed it, the old code does not work. Therefore, what modifications do I have to do to make it work now? I dig out the code from an old commit
using NeuralPDE
using Flux
using DifferentialEquations
using LinearAlgebra
d = 100 # number of dimensions
X0 = fill(0.0f0, d) # initial value of stochastic control process
tspan = (0.0f0, 1.0f0)
λ = 1.0f0
g(X) = log(0.5f0 + 0.5f0 * sum(X.^2))
f(X,u,σᵀ∇u,p,t) = -λ * sum(σᵀ∇u.^2)
μ_f(X,p,t) = zero(X) # Vector d x 1 λ
σ_f(X,p,t) = Diagonal(sqrt(2.0f0) * ones(Float32, d)) # Matrix d x d
prob = TerminalPDEProblem(g, f, μ_f, σ_f, X0, tspan)
hls = 10 + d # hidden layer size
opt = Flux.ADAM(0.01) # optimizer
# sub-neural network approximating solutions at the desired point
u0 = Flux.Chain(Dense(d, hls, relu),
Dense(hls, hls, relu),
Dense(hls, 1))
# sub-neural network approximating the spatial gradients at time point
σᵀ∇u = Flux.Chain(Dense(d + 1, hls, relu),
Dense(hls, hls, relu),
Dense(hls, hls, relu),
Dense(hls, d))
pdealg = NNPDENS(u0, σᵀ∇u, opt=opt)
@time ans = solve(prob, pdealg, verbose=true, maxiters=100, trajectories=100,
alg=EM(), dt=1.2, pabstol=1f-2)
I really appreciate if you could help me. Thanks.
This is a duplicate of another thread where I explain what needs to be done to make it work: .