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Quadrature strategy does not converge to solution

Open marcofrancis opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments

Hi, I want to solve a fairly simple PDE:

# Parameters
τ_min= 0.
τ_max = 1.0
τ_span = (τ_min,τ_max)

ω_min = -2.
ω_max = 2.

#Grid if needed
dω = 0.05
dt_NN = 0.01

μY = 0.03
σ = 0.03
λ = 0.1
ωb = 0

γ = 1.5
k = 0.1

#Initial Condition
h(ω) = exp.(-(γ-1)*5*ω.^2)

@parameters τ ω
@variables f(..)

Dω = Differential(ω)
Dωω = Differential(ω)^2
Dτ = Differential(τ)

μω = λ*(ω-ωb)
σω = σ

eq  = 1/100*Dτ(f(τ,ω)) ~ 0.5*σω^2*Dωω(f(τ,ω)) - μω*Dω(f(τ,ω)) - k*f(τ,ω) + h(ω) 

# Initial and boundary conditions
bcs = [f(τ_min,ω) ~ h(ω),
       Dω(f(τ,ω_max)) ~ 0,
       Dω(f(τ,ω_min)) ~ 0]

# Space and time domains
domains = [τ ∈ Interval(τ_min,τ_max),
           ω ∈ Interval(ω_min,ω_max)]

τs,ωs = [infimum(d.domain):dω:supremum(d.domain) for d in domains]

@named pde_system = PDESystem(eq,bcs,domains,[τ,ω],[f(τ, ω)])

# NN parameters
dim =2
hls = dim+50

If I use a grid strategy everything works as expected and I get quite close to the actual solution. If I use a quadrature strategy:

    chain = Lux.Chain(Dense(dim,hls,Lux.σ),

    strategy = QuadratureTraining(; quadrature_alg = CubatureJLp(), 
    reltol = 1e-5, abstol = 1e-8,
    maxiters = 1_000)

    discretization = PhysicsInformedNN(chain,

    prob = discretize(pde_system,discretization)

    callback = function (p,l)
        println("Current loss is: $l")
        return false

    res = Optimization.solve(prob,Adam(0.01);callback = callback,maxiters=5000)
    prob = remake(prob,u0=res.u)

The solution (NN line) is completely off: Initial Condition: Cubature_gauss, 50% Value at terminal time: Cubature_gauss_tc, 50%

marcofrancis avatar Aug 31 '22 18:08 marcofrancis

QuadratureStrategy is still unstable. Try NeuralPDE.QuadratureTraining(quadrature_alg = CubatureJLh()) I'm not sure that it is can be more stable it needs to dig into the problem. GridTraining is most stable at this moment in time.

KirillZubov avatar Sep 01 '22 09:09 KirillZubov

I ran the script with Grid(predict) and quadrature strategy(predict2) it is quite the same image

strategy = NeuralPDE.QuadratureTraining(quadrature_alg = CubatureJLh(),
                                        reltol = 1e-3, abstol = 1e-3,
                                        maxiters = 50)

KirillZubov avatar Sep 01 '22 11:09 KirillZubov

I ran the script with Grid(predict) and quadrature strategy(predict2) it is quite the same image

strategy = NeuralPDE.QuadratureTraining(quadrature_alg = CubatureJLh(),
                                        reltol = 1e-3, abstol = 1e-3,
                                        maxiters = 50)

Could you share the script you used? So, that I can understand what's going wrong with mine, thanks!

marcofrancis avatar Sep 01 '22 11:09 marcofrancis

the same that you, only I changed the strategy to

strategy = NeuralPDE.QuadratureTraining(quadrature_alg = CubatureJLh(),
                                        reltol = 1e-3, abstol = 1e-3,
                                        maxiters = 50)

KirillZubov avatar Sep 01 '22 11:09 KirillZubov

using Flux, NeuralPDE, Test
using Optimization, OptimizationOptimJL, OptimizationOptimisers
using Integrals, IntegralsCubature
using QuasiMonteCarlo
import ModelingToolkit: Interval, infimum, supremum
using DomainSets
import Lux

τ_min = 0.0
τ_max = 1.0
τ_span = (τ_min, τ_max)

ω_min = -2.0
ω_max = 2.0

#Grid if needed
dω = 0.05
dt_NN = 0.01

μY = 0.03
σ_ = 0.03
λ = 0.1
ωb = 0

γ = 1.5
k = 0.1

#Initial Condition
h(ω) = exp.(-(γ - 1) * 5 * ω .^ 2)

@parameters τ ω
@variables f(..)

Dω = Differential(ω)
Dωω = Differential(ω)^2
Dτ = Differential(τ)

μω = λ * (ω - ωb)
σω = σ_

eq = 1 / 100 * Dτ(f(τ, ω)) ~ 0.5 * σω^2 * Dωω(f(τ, ω)) - μω * Dω(f(τ, ω)) - k * f(τ, ω) +

# Initial and boundary conditions
bcs = [f(τ_min, ω) ~ h(ω),
    Dω(f(τ, ω_max)) ~ 0,
    Dω(f(τ, ω_min)) ~ 0]

# Space and time domains
domains = [τ ∈ Interval(τ_min, τ_max),
    ω ∈ Interval(ω_min, ω_max)]

τs, ωs = [infimum(d.domain):dω:supremum(d.domain) for d in domains]

@named pde_system = PDESystem(eq, bcs, domains, [τ, ω], [f(τ, ω)])

# NN parameters
dim = 2
hls = dim + 50

chain = Lux.Chain(Lux.Dense(dim, hls, Lux.σ),
                  Lux.Dense(hls, hls, Lux.σ),
                  Lux.Dense(hls, 1))

chain = Lux.Chain(Lux.Dense(2, 12, Lux.tanh), Lux.Dense(12, 12, Lux.tanh), Lux.Dense(12, 1))

# strategy = NeuralPDE.QuadratureTraining(; quadrature_alg = CubatureJLp(),
#                               reltol = 1e-5, abstol = 1e-8,
#                               maxiters = 1000)

strategy = NeuralPDE.QuadratureTraining(quadrature_alg = CubatureJLh(),
                                        reltol = 1e-3, abstol = 1e-3,
                                        maxiters = 50)
# strategy = NeuralPDE.GridTraining(0.1)
discretization = NeuralPDE.PhysicsInformedNN(chain, strategy)

prob = NeuralPDE.discretize(pde_system, discretization)

callback = function (p, l)
    println("Current loss is: $l")
    return false

res = Optimization.solve(prob, OptimizationOptimisers.Adam(0.01); callback = callback,
                         maxiters = 5000)

grid_strategy = NeuralPDE.GridTraining(0.01)
discretization = NeuralPDE.PhysicsInformedNN(chain, grid_strategy)

prob = NeuralPDE.discretize(pde_system, discretization)

callback = function (p, l)
    println("Current loss is: $l")
    return false

res2 = Optimization.solve(prob, OptimizationOptimisers.Adam(0.01); callback = callback,
                          maxiters = 5000)

phi = discretization.phi
ωs = [infimum(d.domain):0.01:supremum(d.domain) for d in domains][2]
u_real = [h() for t in ωs]
u_predict = [first(phi([0, t], res.minimizer)) for t in ωs]
u_predict2 = [first(phi([0, t], res2.minimizer)) for t in ωs]

using Plots
t_plot = collect(ωs)
plot(t_plot, u_real)
plot!(t_plot, u_predict)
plot!(t_plot, u_predict2)

xs, ys = [infimum(d.domain):dx:supremum(d.domain)
          for (dx, d) in zip([0.01, 0.04], domains)]
u_predict = reshape([first(Array(phi([x, y], res.minimizer))) for x in xs for y in ys],
                    (length(xs), length(ys)))
u_predict2 = reshape([first(Array(phi([x, y], res2.minimizer))) for x in xs for y in ys],
                     (length(xs), length(ys)))

p1 = plot(xs, ys, u_predict, linetype = :contourf, title = "predict");
p2 = plot(xs, ys, u_predict2, linetype = :contourf, title = "predict2");

plot(p1, p2)

KirillZubov avatar Sep 01 '22 11:09 KirillZubov

Mmm, somehow if I run the code you pasted (only the second chain is trained, right?) I still get this for the initial data: Kirill Here's the list of packages in my environment: [052768ef] CUDA v3.12.0 [de52edbc] Integrals v3.1.2 [c31f79ba] IntegralsCubature v0.2.0 [033835bb] JLD2 v0.4.22 ⌃ [b2108857] Lux v0.4.18 ⌃ [961ee093] ModelingToolkit v8.19.0 [315f7962] NeuralPDE v5.2.0 [7f7a1694] Optimization v3.8.2 [36348300] OptimizationOptimJL v0.1.2 [42dfb2eb] OptimizationOptimisers v0.1.0 ⌃ [91a5bcdd] Plots v1.31.7 [8a4e6c94] QuasiMonteCarlo v0.2.9 [9a3f8284] Random

marcofrancis avatar Sep 06 '22 16:09 marcofrancis

The first is just too big, PINNs in general are still quite sensitive and unstable. with too big FFN is usually underfitting.

KirillZubov avatar Sep 07 '22 11:09 KirillZubov