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Alternative to ModelingToolkit for PDE expressions

Open vaishnavtv opened this issue 2 years ago • 10 comments


Is there an alternative way to describe the PDE to solve that doesn't require the use of ModelingToolkit or Symbolics? For example, if I were to need to write:

Differential(x)(g(x)*f(x)) ~ 0.0

where f(x) cannot be represented symbolically ( I am aware of Symbolics's @register macro, but I'm afraid it would be too cumbersome to obtain the analytical expressions of the derivatives and register them all for use within this framework. My function f(x) is high-dimensional and involves a lot of gridded interpolations obtained from Interpolations.jl. These interpolation tables are not supported by Symbolics, I get the dreaded ERROR: TypeError: non-boolean (Num) used in boolean context error.

However, f(x) is ForwardDiff-compatible, so I can evaluate my manually-written PDE at any set of points I choose. So my question is: can I set up NeuralPDE to solve for my equation containing a non-quasi-static function without using Symbolics/MTK?

vaishnavtv avatar Aug 30 '21 20:08 vaishnavtv

but I'm afraid it would be too cumbersome to obtain the analytical expressions of the derivatives and register them all for use within this framework.

You don't need to. It doesn't use symbolic derivatives, it just needs to be able to AD through f.

My function f(x) is high-dimensional and involves a lot of gridded interpolations obtained from Interpolations.jl. These interpolation tables are not supported by Symbolics, I get the dreaded ERROR: TypeError: non-boolean (Num) used in boolean context error.

That's exactly a case that works with @register.

ChrisRackauckas avatar Aug 30 '21 20:08 ChrisRackauckas

Thanks for the quick response! So I am able to register the functions inside f(x) that are not symbolically representable, but those inner functions require derivatives too. Assume that in the following function, the inner functions g_i(x) are non-quasi-static, and therefore need @register.

function f(x)
 return [g_1(x), g_2(x), g_3(x), .., g_n(x)]

and I registered all of the inner g_i functions so that f(x) doesn't return the non-boolean error.
Instead, the symbolic expression for f(x) retains the g_i function calls.
This allows me to obtain the pde. However, inside NeuralPDE, when the package attempts to build the pde loss function, it encounters an error: ERROR: LoadError: KeyError: key g_1 not found

Doesn't this mean that I have to register the derivatives of all theg_i's manually as well? This is what I discerned from this page. How do I use AD here then?

vaishnavtv avatar Aug 30 '21 20:08 vaishnavtv

What is the error that is thrown? Please post the whole error.

ChrisRackauckas avatar Aug 30 '21 23:08 ChrisRackauckas

Okay, a portion of my f(x) looks like this:

f([xV, xα]) = xV + 0.0031009487651181677normV(xV)*cos(xα) 

normV(xV) has been @register-ed.

Simplifying my problem for the sake of explanation, the pde is: Differential(xV)(f([xV, xα])) ~ 0.0f0

From NeuralPDE, the error is now:

ERROR: LoadError: KeyError: key normV not found
  [1] getindex(h::Dict{Symbol, Int64}, key::Function)
    @ Base ./dict.jl:482
  [2] _transform_expression(ex::Expr, dict_indvars::Dict{Symbol, Int64}, dict_depvars::Dict{Symbol, Int64}, chain::Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}, eltypeθ::Type, strategy::GridTraining)
    @ NeuralPDE ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/RwOGF/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:209
  [3] _transform_expression(ex::Expr, dict_indvars::Dict{Symbol, Int64}, dict_depvars::Dict{Symbol, Int64}, chain::Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}, eltypeθ::Type, strategy::GridTraining) (repeats 5 times)
    @ NeuralPDE ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/RwOGF/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:224
  [4] transform_expression
    @ ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/RwOGF/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:155 [inlined]
  [5] parse_equation(eq::Equation, dict_indvars::Dict{Symbol, Int64}, dict_depvars::Dict{Symbol, Int64}, chain::Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}, eltypeθ::Type, strategy::GridTraining)
    @ NeuralPDE ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/RwOGF/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:268
  [6] build_symbolic_loss_function(eqs::Equation, indvars::Vector{Symbol}, depvars::Vector{Symbol}, dict_indvars::Dict{Symbol, Int64}, dict_depvars::Dict{Symbol, Int64}, phi::NeuralPDE.var"#255#257"{UnionAll, Flux.var"#61#63"{Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}}}, derivative::NeuralPDE.var"#260#261", chain::Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}, initθ::Vector{Float32}, strategy::GridTraining; eq_params::SciMLBase.NullParameters, param_estim::Bool, default_p::Nothing, bc_indvars::Vector{Symbol})
    @ NeuralPDE ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/RwOGF/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:345
  [7] #build_loss_function#162
    @ ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/RwOGF/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:446 [inlined]
  [8] build_loss_function(eqs::Equation, _indvars::Vector{Num}, _depvars::Vector{Sym{SymbolicUtils.FnType{Tuple, Real}, Nothing}}, phi::NeuralPDE.var"#255#257"{UnionAll, Flux.var"#61#63"{Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}}}, derivative::NeuralPDE.var"#260#261", chain::Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}, initθ::Vector{Float32}, strategy::GridTraining; bc_indvars::Nothing, eq_params::SciMLBase.NullParameters, param_estim::Bool, default_p::Nothing)
    @ NeuralPDE ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/RwOGF/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:430
  [9] build_loss_function(eqs::Equation, _indvars::Vector{Num}, _depvars::Vector{Sym{SymbolicUtils.FnType{Tuple, Real}, Nothing}}, phi::Function, derivative::Function, chain::Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(tanh), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}, initθ::Vector{Float32}, strategy::GridTraining)
    @ NeuralPDE ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/RwOGF/src/pinns_pde_solve.jl:428

Is that not expected?

vaishnavtv avatar Aug 30 '21 23:08 vaishnavtv

Not expected. That looks like a namespacing error in the NeuralPDE parsing. @KirillZubov could you take a look?

ChrisRackauckas avatar Aug 30 '21 23:08 ChrisRackauckas

@vaishnavtv NeuralPDE on this moment doesn't work with vector input f([xV, xα])

Differential work only with neural network(NN) input

@parameters xV
@variables u(..)

where u is a variable that is predicted by NN

It needs @register to function together with AD derivative.

cb = function (p,l)
    println("Current loss is: $l")
    return false

using Zygote
ff(x, y) = x^2 + 2y
der_ff(x, y) = Zygote.gradient(x->ff(x, y), x)[1]
ff(2, 2)
der_ff(3, 2) == 2*3

@parameters xV, xα
normV(xV) = xV^2 #some
f(xV, xα) = xV + 0.0031009487651181677normV(xV)*cos(xα)
der_f(xV, xα) = Zygote.gradient(x->f(x, xα), xV)[1]

der_f(2.0, 1.0)

 (der_f).(rand(1,10), rand(1,10))

@register der_f(xV, xα)
der_f(xV, xα) ~  0.

@variables u(..)
eq = der_f(xV, xα) ~  u(xV,xα)

bcs = [u(0.,0.) ~ 1.0]

# Space and time domains
domains = [xV ∈ Interval(0.0,1.0),xα ∈ Interval(0.0,1.0)]

# Neural network
chain = FastChain(FastDense(2,12,Flux.σ),FastDense(12,1))
initθ = Float64.(DiffEqFlux.initial_params(chain))
strategy_ = NeuralPDE.GridTraining(0.1)
discretization = NeuralPDE.PhysicsInformedNN(chain,
											 init_params = initθ,

@named pde_system = PDESystem(eq,bcs,domains,[xV,xα],[u(xV,xα)])
prob = NeuralPDE.discretize(pde_system,discretization)
sym_prob = NeuralPDE.symbolic_discretize(pde_system,discretization)
res = GalacticOptim.solve(prob, ADAM(0.1);cb=cb, maxiters=100)

KirillZubov avatar Sep 02 '21 16:09 KirillZubov

if it is symbolic form, ModelingToolkit handles it:

@parameters x
@variables u(..)
D = Differential(x)

f(x) = x^2
julia> eq_l = D(u(x) + fx(x))
Differential(x)(u(x) + x^2)

julia> expand_derivatives(eq_l)
Differential(x)(u(x)) + 2x

Another possible case is @register's function.

Issue: need to support derivative for @register functions

KirillZubov avatar Sep 02 '21 17:09 KirillZubov

So AD isn't called by default when parsing through @register-ed function expressions which require derivatives? The AD derivatives of such functions have to be manually created and registered for MTK to work?

vaishnavtv avatar Sep 02 '21 20:09 vaishnavtv

Please let me know if this is not a NeuralPDE issue but a MTK or a Symbolics issue.

vaishnavtv avatar Sep 02 '21 20:09 vaishnavtv

NeuralPDE parser issue with derivative of @register's function

@parameters x
@variables u(..)
D = Differential(x)
f(x) = x^2
@register f(x)
eq = D(u(x) + f(x)) ~  0.
bcs = [u(0) ~ 0.0]
domains = [x ∈ Interval(0.0,1.0)]
chain = FastChain(FastDense(1,12,Flux.σ),FastDense(12,1))
strategy_ = NeuralPDE.GridTraining(0.1)
discretization = NeuralPDE.PhysicsInformedNN(chain,strategy_)
@named pde_system = PDESystem(eq,bcs,domains,[x],[u(x)])

julia> prob = NeuralPDE.discretize(pde_system,discretization)
ERROR: KeyError: key f not found

KirillZubov avatar Sep 02 '21 21:09 KirillZubov