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Altering the type of interpolation used with SampledData blocks
I'd like to use any of the DataInterpolations.jl interpolation types with SampledData blocks. In particular I'm interested in the cubic spline interpolation, but anything past linear would be useful. I think this would involve changing this call to linear_interpolation
to something from DataInterpolations.jl or to one of a few new functions.
Possibly unrelated points, but I wasn't sure whether they were worth opening a new issue:
- do SampledData blocks support non-uniform sampling? As far as I can tell they just take a single
instead of a vector of them. - is it possible to use pre-transformed derived functions (that have been
d) on sampled data at the system creation level, so thatstructural_simplify
will automatically apply it and correctly update the sampling/interpolation for the derived data? (This is probably possible to do manually, it'd just be nice to offload + relatively easy to automate.)
Yes that effectively would just be allowing the user to have the option to pass a different interpolation function.
do SampledData blocks support non-uniform sampling? As far as I can tell they just take a single sample_time instead of a vector of them.
They could, but the ODE solver only ever calls them at a single time point at a time so I'm not sure what the optimization would be here?
is it possible to use pre-transformed derived functions (that have been @register_symbolicd) on sampled data at the system creation level, so that structural_simplify will automatically apply it and correctly update the sampling/interpolation for the derived data? (This is probably possible to do manually, it'd just be nice to offload + relatively easy to automate.)
I'm not sure if it's implemented, but doing so should effectively work just by using observed.
They could, but the ODE solver only ever calls them at a single time point at a time so I'm not sure what the optimization would be here?
Makes sense, I looked more into how it works and it seems like it'd be fine if I just resampled my data before passing it into the solver.
I'm not sure if it's implemented, but doing so should effectively work just by using observed.
Could you elaborate a bit on how this would work?
Could you elaborate a bit on how this would work?
Actually, rereading what you wrote, now I'm confused. Can you try describing it another way?
Sure - I have sampled data that I'd like to feed into source terms for an ODE. The (data) -> (source term) transformation is a function that I can @register_symbolic
, and I'd like my ODESystem to automatically apply that transformation and interpolate accurately on it to get the source terms. My concerns are avoiding repeated recomputation of the data-to-source transformation (i.e. making sure structural_simplify
transforms that away) and making sure the interpolation on the source term is reasonably within the range of the transformation.
Currently, I can just apply the transformation myself and pass that in as a SampledData object, but that adds more steps before I'm able to remake the system each time, and it feels like the kind of thing MTK could automate.
If I understand correctly, what you'd like to do is shown here: SampleData demo. You can see that the get_prob()
function is using remake
to update the data given to the system without having to re-run structural_simplify()
. And yes, SampledData
component only supports sampled data computing a linear interpolation in time. But this could be improved, if you can post a MWE to work off of that would be really helpful.
I changed the example you linked a bit to generate my MWE.
using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks: SampledData, Parameter
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots
using DataInterpolations
@parameters t
D = Differential(t)
# Imagine we have a physical process/another simulation with few available data points
# but an expectation that the data should be ~smoothly varying.
# The "data" fields here are being used as a forcing function, as a stand-in for an actual science case.
times_coarse = 0:1e-2:0.1 # 11 data points
times_fine = 0:5e-5:0.1 # 2001 data points
data_coarse = sin.(2 * pi * times_coarse * 30)
data_fine = sin.(2 * pi * times_fine * 30)
# This is my simulated version of what I'd like MTK to do.
# This does a finer spline interpolation and MTK then linearly interpolates on top of that, which is probably fine
# but it'd be nicer if MTK could generate the spline and dynamically sample from it at whichever times it ends up needing.
data_resampled = (CubicSpline(data_coarse, times_coarse)).(times_fine)
src = SampledData(Float64; name=:system)
vars = @variables f(t)=0 x(t)=0 dx(t)=0 ddx(t)=0
pars = @parameters mass=10 k=1000 d=1
eqs = [f ~ src.output.u
ddx * 10 ~ k * x + d * dx + f
D(x) ~ dx
D(dx) ~ ddx]
system = ODESystem(eqs, t, vars, pars; systems = [src], name=:system)
sys = structural_simplify(system)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0, times_coarse[end]); tofloat = false)
function get_prob_and_solve(data, dt)
remake(prob, p = [prob.p[1], [Parameter(data, dt)]]),
sol_coarse = get_prob_and_solve(data_coarse, minimum(diff(times_coarse)))
sol_fine = get_prob_and_solve(data_fine, minimum(diff(times_fine)))
sol_resampled = get_prob_and_solve(data_resampled, minimum(diff(times_fine)))
# This plot shows the resampled solution getting closer to the fine one
# which demonstrates increased accuracy due to the resampling.
# This may increase slightly if the spline were used throughout within MTK.
plot(sol_coarse.t, sol_coarse[x], label="Coarse", xlabel="t", ylabel="x")
plot!(sol_fine.t, sol_fine[x], label="Fine")
plot!(sol_resampled.t, sol_resampled[x], label="Coarse data with spline interpolation")