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add API function to generate function for evaluating rate laws
This would also allow users to put together stoichiometry matrix + rate law vector representations for the ODE rhs... I think such a network representation would be useful for many types of network analyses.
This is similar to once we discussed here
I agree that it will be nice to have an API function directly.
I can suggest a small example for this that I had previously done for by representing ODE RHS using stoichiometry matrix
and rate law
using Catalyst, ModelingToolkit
rn = @reaction_network begin
k1, A + B --> C
k2, A --> 2*C
k3, 2*C --> A
end k1 k2 k3
## generally ode RHS can be written as X' = R*rate_laws_vector
R = -substoichmat(rn)' + prodstoichmat(rn)' # where R is transpose of net_stoich matrix
# finding RHS of ODE at some particular time instance, using solution vector obtained from solving ODEProblem say `u` at that time instance and `p` as rate constants
u = [1;2;3]; p = [0.1;0.2;0.3] same as [k1;k2;k3]
## this block can be put in suitable function
D = [oderatelaw(rn.eqs[i]) for i in 1:nr]
expr = build_function(D, vcat([rn.states[i] for i in 1:ns], [rn.eqs[i].rate for i in 1:nr]))
myf = eval(expr[2]);
out = zeros(Float32, nr)
myf(out, vcat(u , p)) # p is array of parameters of reaction rates
# 'out' array contains evaluated oderatelaw from the solution and parameters
ODE_rhs = R*out; # X' evaluated
@isaacsas Do you think its worth adding evaloderatelaw(rn::ReactionSystem)
to the PR for network_api
using Catalyst, ModelingToolkit
using DifferentialEquations
function evaloderatelaw(rn::ReactionSystem)
D = oderatelaw.(rn.eqs)
expr = build_function(D, [rn.states;])
myf = eval(expr[2]);
return myf
rn = @reaction_network begin
k1, 2*x1 --> x2
k2, x1 --> x3
k3, x3 --> x4
k4, x2 + x4 --> x5
end k1 k2 k3 k4
ns = numspecies(rn); nr = numreactions(rn);
R = -substoichmat(rn)' + prodstoichmat(rn)';
k = Float32[0.1, 0.2, 0.13, 0.3];
tspan = (0.f0, 20.f0); datasize = 41;
tsteps = range(tspan[1], tspan[2], length = datasize)
u0 = Float32[1; 0.5 ;0.; 0.; 0.]
oprob = ODEProblem(rn, u0, tspan, k)
sol = solve(oprob, Tsit5(), saveat = tsteps)
## ideal derivative or ODE-RHS
Dsol = similar(Array(sol))
du = copy(u0);
for j in 1:datasize
oprob.f(du, sol.u[j], k, tsteps[j])
Dsol[:,j] = du
## checking using evaloderatelaw()
D_sol = similar(Dsol);
for j in 1:datasize
myf = evaloderatelaw(rn)
out = zeros(Float32,nr);
myf(out, [sol.u[j] ; k] )
D_sol[:,j] = R*out;
# check the entries of Dsol and D_sol.. they should be almost same
Yes, we'll add something like that soon. Maybe even next week. I think we actually want to have a system type that encapsulates the rate law vector combined with the net stoichiometry matrix, with all the assorted transformations.
Something like that is needed for many kinds of reaction network analysis.
Yes, we'll add something like that soon. Maybe even next week. I think we actually want to have a system type that encapsulates the rate law vector combined with the net stoichiometry matrix, with all the assorted transformations.
I would feel glad to contribute for this, if you could explain the features required using some example ?
I was thinking we should add a new system type that ReactionSystem
s can be converted into, and which just stores a vector of the rate law expressions and the stoichiometry matrix. This is a relatively simple representation, but one that some users might prefer. It would be easy to convert to it from normal ReactionSystem
s, but hard to go the other direction in any optimal way. It would also be straightforward to add conversions to ODEs/SDEs/Jumps for it, though that is a lot of redundancy we would be adding...
I was thinking we should add a new system type that
s can be converted into, and which just stores a vector of the rate law expressions and the stoichiometry matrix. This is a relatively simple representation, but one that some users might prefer. It would be easy to convert to it from normalReactionSystem
s, but hard to go the other direction in any optimal way. It would also be straightforward to add conversions to ODEs/SDEs/Jumps for it, though that is a lot of redundancy we would be adding...
Somthing like RateLawMapping
And a way to
[ratelawvector, netstoich] = convert(rn::ReactionSystem, RateLawMapping)
osys = convert(ODESystem, RateLawMapping)
# thats simplynetstoich*ratelawvector
and similar for SDEs, ,,.. care should be taken so that we useoderatelaw
I think this should be fairly easy to do.. Yeah, i understand why u say it would be difficult to go back to ReactionSystem
I was thinking we should add a new system type that
s can be converted into, and which just stores a vector of the rate law expressions and the stoichiometry matrix. This is a relatively simple representation, but one that some users might prefer. It would be easy to convert to it from normalReactionSystem
s, but hard to go the other direction in any optimal way. It would also be straightforward to add conversions to ODEs/SDEs/Jumps for it, though that is a lot of redundancy we would be adding...
hey @isaacsas , we can discuss this later also after we improve Just noting here it down for future reference
Expressing a new system(which can be converted to ReactionSystem
) as one which just stores stoichiometric matrices and rate law expressions will be fairly easy from complex_stoich_mat
and complex_incidence_mat
if user specifies Z
and B
matrices and also rate law expressions, we can write a function similar to loadrxnetworks
I will do it quick
I was thinking we should add a new system type that
s can be converted into, and which just stores a vector of the rate law expressions and the stoichiometry matrix. This is a relatively simple representation, but one that some users might prefer. It would be easy to convert to it from normalReactionSystem
s, but hard to go the other direction in any optimal way. It would also be straightforward to add conversions to ODEs/SDEs/Jumps for it, though that is a lot of redundancy we would be adding...hey @isaacsas , we can discuss this later also after we improve #359 Just noting here it down for future reference
Expressing a new system(which can be converted to
) as one which just stores stoichiometric matrices and rate law expressions will be fairly easy fromcomplex_stoich_mat
from #359. if user specifiesZ
matrices and also rate law expressions, we can write a function similar toloadrxnetworks
from I will do it quick
hi, Sir @isaacsas , example for this.. let me know yours thoughts whenever you are free
rns = @reaction_network begin
k₁ , ∅ --> X₁
( k₂/(1 + X₁*X₂ + X₃*X₄ ), k₃/(1 + X₁*X₂ + X₃*X₄ )), 2X₁ + X₂ ↔ 3X₃ + X₄
k₄, X₄ --> ∅
end k₁ k₂ k₃ k₄
Z = [0 1 2 0 0;
0 0 1 0 0;
0 0 0 3 0;
0 0 0 1 1] # Can also be obtained from complex_stoich_mat(rns), once is merged
B = [-1 0 0 1;
1 0 0 0;
0 -1 1 0;
0 1 -1 0;
0 0 0 -1] # Can also be obtained from complex_incidence_mat(rns) , once
r = reactions(rns)
rateExprs = [r[i].rate for i in 1:numreactions(rns)]
# reconstructing the same ReactionSystem from Z,B and rateExprs, params(rns)
@parameters t
myspecies = [] # empty list of species
isempty(myspecies) && (myspecies = [funcsym(:X,i)(t) for i = 1:numspecies(rns)])
function LoadRxNetwork(rateexprs::AbstractVector, Z::AbstractMatrix,
B::AbstractMatrix, myspecies::AbstractVector,
numspecs, numcomp = size(Z)
@assert all(>=(0),Z) # All entries in Z should be >= 0
@assert numcomp == size(B, 1)
@assert all(∈([-1,0,1]),B) # All entries in B should be -1, 0 Or 1
numrxs = size(B, 2)
rn = Vector{Reaction{Any,Int64}}(undef,numrxs) # create the network
sub_indices = argmin(B, dims=1) # cartesian indices of substrate complexes
prod_indices = argmax(B, dims=1) # cartesian indicies of products complexes
for i ∈ 1:numrxs
subStoichInd = getindex.(findall(!iszero, Z[:,sub_indices[i][1]]))
prodStoichInd = getindex.(findall(!iszero, Z[:,prod_indices[i][1]]))
if subStoichInd == Int64[] && prodStoichInd != Int64[]
rn[i] = Reaction(rateexprs[i], nothing, myspecies[prodStoichInd],
nothing, Z[prodStoichInd,prod_indices[i][1]])
elseif subStoichInd != Int64[] && prodStoichInd == Int64[]
rn[i] = Reaction(rateexprs[i], myspecies[subStoichInd], nothing,
Z[subStoichInd,sub_indices[i][1]], nothing)
rn[i] = Reaction(rateexprs[i], myspecies[subStoichInd],
Z[subStoichInd,sub_indices[i][1]], Z[prodStoichInd,prod_indices[i][1]])
rs = ReactionSystem(rn, t, myspecies, pars)
prn = LoadRxNetwork( rateExprs,Z,B,myspecies,params(rns) )
using Test
@test all(prn == rns)
Adding a new importer that takes the reaction complex representation and builds a ReactionSystem
would be useful and could be added to ReactionNetworkImporters
Adding a new importer that takes the reaction complex representation and builds a
would be useful and could be added toReactionNetworkImporters
Done at