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BigFloat support for TwoPointBVProblem using MIRK4
Using BigFloat with a TwoPointBVProblem and MIRK4 solver currently fails with the following error:
ArgumentError: matrix type SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{BigFloat,Int64}not supported. Try lu(convert(SparseMatrixCSC{Float64/ComplexF64,Int}, A)) for sparse floating point LU using UMFPACK or lu(Array(A)) for generic dense LU.
We probably just need to add a dependency on GenericSVD.jl
I naively tried using GenericSVD in my code but it didn't work, so I'm guessing that means something else :)
I thought BigFloat
would just work, but seems like the problem is more fundamental
julia> similar(rand(BigFloat, 2, 3))
2×3 Matrix{BigFloat}:
#undef #undef #undef
#undef #undef #undef
This makes all of the internal NonlinearSolve machinery fail because it often performs concatenation and such on a similar
ed array before assigning values to it.
For safety, just zero?
yes probably that's the way to go, it just needs to be added at quite a few places in NonlinearSolve
NonlinearSolve now supports bigfloats natively. Need to add a test for this here.