Hyperion_LED-Controller copied to clipboard
To be used as wireless externsion for Hyperion, but can be controlled without.
… HYPERION_UDP, and autoswitch false is configured
Source of Idea https://www.vuplus-support.org/wbb4/index.php?thread/107895-enigmalight-ambilight-f%C3%BCr-4k-boxen-arm/&postID=1803750#post1803750 [Vu__sketch.zip](https://github.com/SciLor/Hyperion_LED-Controller/files/2571220/Vu__sketch.zip)
I noticed that the BUILTIN_LED of the ESP32 is always on, but it should be blinking every 5 seconds like one the esp8266. There seems to be some code that...
The [ArduinoThread](https://github.com/ivanseidel/ArduinoThread) library seem to have a bug on the ESP32 Platform. Workaround is to copy the lib into the HyperionRGB Project folder or to combine the EnhancedThread.h and EnhancedThread.cpp...
Use the bluetooth module of the esp32 to control the lights.
Implement ArtNet to support DMX-Controlling Software like DMXControl https://github.com/natcl/Artnet https://github.com/rstephan/ArtnetWifi