FractionalDiffEq.jl copied to clipboard
Use LinearSolve.jl for the FODEMatrixDiscrete methods
After the discretization, the linear fractional differential equation is transformed to a linear problem: $$Au=b$$ The current solver is the default solver in Julia, we can use the SciML LinearSolve.jl:
Hi @ErikQQY
I found a problem in the FODEMatrixDiscrete()
solver for solving Fractional differential equations. For which I need to solve the Bagley-Torvik equation where the right hand side defined by f(t) = 8 * (t<=1)
. However, it works by Matlab
f(t) = 8 * (t<=1);
prob = MultiTermsFODEProblem([1, 1 , 1], [2, 3/2 , 0], f , [0; 0], (0, 30))
sol = solve(prob, h, FODEMatrixDiscrete())
Hello there! Sorry for the late response!
You can try the PIEX
method for the multiple terms FODE problems:
f(t, y) = 8 * (t<=1);
prob = MultiTermsFODEProblem([1, 1 , 1], [2, 3/2 , 0], f , [0; 0], (0, 30))
sol = solve(prob, h, PIEX())