Gal Schlezinger
Gal Schlezinger
> @Schniz any progress on this? Hmmm sure but regarding what? Adding `—reinstall-packages-from=`?
> > @Schniz any progress on this? > > Hmmm sure but regarding what? Adding `—reinstall-packages-from=`? I’ll explain more to support async communication 😄 i haven’t implemented that yet. I’d...
can't reproduce This is for M1 (arm64 docker image): ```sh-session ✡ docker run --rm -it ubuntu root@15153b914a34:/# (apt-get update && apt-get install -y unzip curl) &> /dev/null root@15153b914a34:/# curl -fsSL...
we have 1.31.1, thanks for you comment :pray: I always forget about it 🤦 this can be automated so I'll add `cargo publish` to the automation in the future
That's interesting but that is one more network request that can make stuff slow. Most of what fnm does is on the local filesystem. We can of course run it...
hmmm can you please share your `$PATH` env var? :)
Maybe there's a need for `rehash`? Can you show me: ``` which node $FNM_MULTISHELL_PATH/bin/node --version ```
try running `rehash` after `fnm use 14` please :) just to make sure that it works
I need to check why this is happening. It did not happen to me and I'm using Zsh, maybe that's a newer version and we need to fix fnm somehow.
weird, it should not affect the shell binary resolution 🤔 for some reason, rehashing is required _sometimes_. I don't know why, but I have an idea how to work it...