VFrown copied to clipboard
I also can't get VFrown to build now. I just get the following error: "cannot find -lomdlg32: No such file or directory"
Here's what I did before to get it to build: I got the latest version of w64devkit - https://github.com/skeeto/w64devkit/releases/ Within w64devkit, I followed the steps on the main VFrown page: cd (VFrown folder) make platform=windows build=release
Adding a c before "omdlg32" in the MakeFile gets a bit further, but the compiler throws another error: "undefined reference to `c_dfDIJoystick2'"
Adding a c before "omdlg32" in the MakeFile gets a bit further, but the compiler throws another error: "undefined reference to `c_dfDIJoystick2'"
Add dinput to the libs in the makefile.