Hackintosh-Intel-i9-10900k-Gigabyte-Z490-Vision-D copied to clipboard
(Solution) Remember the USBPorts.kext after choosing the one of the USB Config...
A solution for someone like me on USB configurations.
After I chose the USB-Port-Configs-Gigabyte-Z490-Vision-D_v3. I checked the USB in the Hackintool page, everything seems not be working probbly, then I clicked on Export on the USB page, I got some files on my desktop, I dragged and droppet the USBPorts.kext only into my EFI kext folder then I opened my Config.pilst in ProperTree and did a OC-Snapshot, saved. restarted and now everything seems to be working!!
Chris maybe USBPorts.kext is a thing that you have to implement as a default in the future Opencore updates?
If you can send me the ones you have generated, I will replace the current implementation of USBInjectAll.kext + SSDT-UIAC...
I just cannot do that by myself anymore, because I don't have the Vision D anymore.
Can you make a screenshot before/after of the Hackintool USB section? Also click the Broomstick Icon to refresh it everytime.