Viktor Scharf
Viktor Scharf
Precondition: user `einstein` uses only web client Steps: - `admin` share folder `f1` with content to user `einstein` - `einstein` `opens shares`->`f1` and can see folder content - `einstein` disables...
Steps: - admin create share to einstein - einstein logs in and see notification (english language by default) - einstein changes language to `Deutsch` and awaits notification request Expected: notification...
- [x] adjusted ocm sharing tests. - [x] re-tested and closed issue
### Prerequisites * [ ] Collaboration Gateway client pool selector * [ ] DEV: release reva v. * [ ] DEV: bump reva to v. * [ ] DEV:...
### Prerequisites * [x] DEV: Create branch `release-x.x.x-rc.x` - tested in stable-5.0 * [ ] DEV: bump ocis version in necessary files * [ ] DEV: `` * [ ]...
precondition: - run two ocis instances `ocis-server` and `federation-ocis-server` see here Steps: `And "Alice" has generated invitation` `And using server "REMOTE"` `And "Brian" has accepted invitation` `And using server...
we should have e2e test for collaborative editing one document between two ocis instances