action-surefire-report copied to clipboard
Report check item appears under the wrong workflow name
Originally I was just using this action in a backend focused workflow, and even then, the report/check item was appearing under one of my other workflows.
I've since add it to both frontend/backend workflows, but both check items appear under the same workflow. "Jest Test Results" should appear under "Frontend Development CI" and "Grails Test Results" should appear under "Backend Development CI".

I have the same problem, I think it's / it was github's bug. There is a discussion in the community but I don't think it's solved yet.
Oh well, I've just hit this problem in Quarkus which is pretty much a showstopper because there are so many concurrently running builds/workflows in Quarkus, the relation get's lost completely and massively confuses people.
@jmisur I suppose this workaround doesn't help here: and instead this action falls victim to the following problem: ?
Edit: link fixed
There is no way to assign new check run to a specific check suite. Therefore it appears in a random suite. Updating any existing check run would I think override whatever result and output that check run already made, which is probably not what we want.
Too bad. This GH API limitation really cripples this awesome action.
I had the same issue. it won't make this action usable unless there is only one workflow running at any time
Updating an existing check instead of creating a new one should help: It's not merged yet, but was already approved recently. The only requirement for this is to use unique job names if you have multiple workflows.
Hi, I'm running into this exact same problem. Is it possible to use a Job Summary instead to post this report?
any updates on this? I faced the same issue