FBLeaker copied to clipboard
FBleaker will extract email from your facebook and try to find there password if they ever get leaked
FBleaker will extract email from your facebook and try to find there password if they ever get leaked
- Extract Your Facebook friend List You can set limit how many friends you want to extract from your friend list
- Extract all page your and YOur Friend Like You can set limit how many pages you want to extract from your profile and your friend profile
- Check If any email password ever get leaked To check leak emails create a mail.txt and paste all the mails there
- Find Facebook Pages with Leaked Password
IF your using kali as root run kali.py otherwise dirctly run pwn
Dont use your personal account!
I am Not going to responsable for any illegal activity
###########HOW TO SETUP############
1# make sure Google Chrome is installed
2# If you get any error related with chrome download the leastest chromedriver from here https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads and replace the chromedriver