Paul Barton

Results 50 comments of Paul Barton

IIRC, the PyKeyboardEvent API is rather unfinished. I am still rethinking pykeyboard in general because it does not do localization/internationalization right.

The notion of `lookup_character_value` is pretty much as you describe, though the name is not used in any of the implementations (oops!). `lookup_character_keycode` serves this role in the X11 implementation,...

@ranji2612 That feature in PyKeyboardEvent still requires some development, it is planned but not yet implemented.

That feature is implemented in PyMouseEvent with the `capture` and `capture_move` instantiation arguments. Sorry, that I took a while to respond, I must have closed the tab before submitting my...

This is interesting, I will do some testing on it shortly to try to resolve it.

Some changes have been made to the mac module of PyKeyboard lately, but they all were all pretty straightforard in fixing bugs or improving additional key support. Visual inspection of...

Good to know, I am looking through the changes you made @willwade . Thanks!

`type_string` is totally hackish. I'm still trying to find a solution to fit the ultimate goal of working with **any layout** and not just the more popular ones.

Not at the moment, not elegantly. I know there are some applications out there to get past the one pointer limitation, though I'm not familiar enough with them to gain...

It's been on my agenda to do some revamping of the installation methods for a little while; I'll take this into consideration. In the meantime, I typically do my testing...