skript-yaml copied to clipboard
Always convert strings containing & to §
- In Skript, the arguments of the command are converted to uncolored strings. (&atest)
- In skript-yaml, colorless string containing & are converted to uncolored string with "" ("&atest")
- When loading yaml value, skript-yaml always converts & to §. (§atest)
- This is usually not a problem when sending values to chat, but it causes problems in the following cases.
debug: &r[&bDebug&r]
file: "plugins/Skript/scripts/test.yml"
command /yaml [<text>] [<text>]:
set {_uuid} to uuid of player
if arg 1 is "addparty":
arg 2 is set
load yaml {@file} as {@file}
set {_party} to arg 2
set yaml value "user.%{_uuid}%" from {@file} to {_party}
add {_uuid} to yaml list "data.%{_party}%.user" from {@file}
send "{@debug} Add Party %{_party}%"
save yaml {@file}
if arg 1 is "removeparty":
arg 2 is set
load yaml {@file} as {@file}
set {_party} to arg 2
clear yaml value "user.%{_uuid}%" from {@file}
clear yaml list "data.%{_party}%.user" from {@file}
send "{@debug} Remove Party %{_party}%"
save yaml {@file}
if arg 1 is "addplayer":
if arg 1 is "removeplayer":
function yamlAddPlayer(name: player):
load yaml {@file} as {@file}
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_name}
set {_party} to yaml value "user.%{_uuid}%" from {@file} # Automatic detect player's party and problem is here
send "{@debug} Add your UUID to %{_party}%" to {_name}
add {_uuid} to yaml list "data.%{_party}" from {@file}
save yaml {@file}
function yamlRemovePlayer(name: player):
load yaml {@file} as {@file}
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_name}
set {_party} to yaml value "user.%{_uuid}%" from {@file}
send "{@debug} Remove your UUID from %{_party}%" to {_name}
remove {_uuid} from yaml list "data.%{_party}" from {@file}
save yaml {@file}
/yaml addparty &atest
/yaml addplayer
Expecting Result: Player's uuid will be added to yaml list "data.&", not "data.§".
d87af76e-09b8-4a0b-925b-d6dcc753a89a: "&atest"
- d87af76e-09b8-4a0b-925b-d6dcc753a89a
- d87af76e-09b8-4a0b-925b-d6dcc753a89a
Versions: Server Version: 3243-Spigot-6c1c1b2-d3cc412 (MC: 1.17.1) Skript Version: 2.6-beta3
Installed Skript Addons: skript-yaml v1.4.1
Of course, in this case, I has registered a uncolored string with &, so it can be said that it is the my fault in some way. But in this situation, uncolored string(with &) should not be converted to colored(with §), because it was registered as a uncolored string.
Receiving the command argument as colored can solve this problem. so I rewritten my scripts with colored command arguments. Now it seems to be working fine.
I couldn't find exactly where in my script was causing the problem because of #35, but now I think I finally found it. Thank you for your help. :D
It might make sense to always convert & to §, as it is now. But I think there should be a warning to avoid confusion.
Thats fair, i'll add one!