I would like to suggest to switch to a marlin firmware, since this one isn't developed anymore. I maintained for almost two years a fork, but considering the relevant changes...
I would like you to suggest to change the firmware in your printer, but that's up to you, I've also abandoned my current fork, since this piece of code is...
May I ask two questions related to this: 1) How many files (and directories) are present in the directory were you can't see the file 2) Can you give a...
wow, that's astounding, I will peek at the code.
It's really simple to do, at least for the grass part, every item present in ItemData has the "foliage", we can check that, but I don't think it was really...
I'll give it a try, It won't hurt.
If you raise resolution (eg: from 800x600 to 1200x960) and exit from the game && re-enter, reopening the client, the window is mis-placed and half the screen is not visible,...
Interesting, have you looked at my fork? This is going to be merged there...I'll look at the retraction scenarios
Merged it, I'll also test the live extrusion multiplier and see if I calculated correctly the positive vs negative extrusion values. Test it if you want.
Done, take a look, if you want to enable your method, instead of using the COOLING_FAN_PWM use the COOLING_FAN_PWM_ON_DISPLAY Don't use both, as it won't compile 👍 As for the...