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Provides an solution for authentication users with LDAP for Laravel 5.x

Not maintained anymore

I've created this project during my internship for an easy authentication between various applications within my company. The scope of the ldap-connector was only to authenticate with Laravel to the LDAP server.

In case you're looking for a replacement please checkout Adldap2-Laravel. They have also created the awesome library Adldap2 which ldap-connector was using.

I'll stop maintaining this project but would like to thank all the people that contributed or used this project.


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Provides an solution for authentication users with LDAP for Laravel 5.x. It uses ADLDAP library on Adldap2 to create a bridge between Laravel and LDAP


  • Laravel 5.1 - 5.0
  • Laravel 5.2 - ...

Laravel 5.1 - 5.0

  1. Install this package through Composer by adding the following line to composer.json

        "dsdevbe/ldap-connector": "3.0.*"

    or you could use command-line

    composer require "dsdevbe/ldap-connector:3.0.*"
  2. Add the service provider in the app configuration by opening config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.

  3. Change the authentication driver in the Laravel config to use the ldap driver. You can find this in the following file config/auth.php

    'driver' => 'ldap',
  4. Publish a new configuration file with php artisan vendor:publish in the configuration folder of Laravel you will find config/ldap.php and modify to your needs. For more detail of the configuration you can always check on ADLAP documentation

    return array(
        'plugins' => array(
            'adldap' => array(
                'account_suffix'=>  '@domain.local',
                'domain_controllers'=>  array(
                ), // Load balancing domain controllers
                'base_dn'   =>  'DC=domain,DC=local',
                'admin_username' => 'admin', // This is required for session persistance in the application
                'admin_password' => 'yourPassword',

    Please note that the fields 'admin_username' and 'admin_password' are required for session persistance!


The LDAP plugin is an extension of the Auth class and will act the same as normal usage with Eloquent driver.

if (Auth::attempt(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)))
    return Redirect::intended('dashboard');

You can find more examples on Laravel Auth Documentation on using the Auth:: function.

Use AuthController

If you want to use the authentication controller that ships with Laravel you will need to change the following files. By default App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController checks for the email field if nothing is provided. To overwrite this value add the following line in the AuthController.

protected $username = 'username';

Laravel documentation: Authentication Quickstart

Ldap Groups

  • Auth::user()->getGroups() returns array with groups the current user belongs to.
  • Auth::user()->inGroup('GROUPNAME') returns boolean if user belongs to GROUPNAME

Ldap User Information

  • Auth::user()->getUsername() returns authenticated username.
  • Auth::user()->getFirstname() returns authenticated first name.
  • Auth::user()->getLastname() returns authenticated last name.
  • Auth::user()->getEmail() returns authenticated email address.

Laravel 5.2 - ...

  1. Install this package through Composer by adding the following line to composer.json

    "dsdevbe/ldap-connector": "4.0.*"

    or you could use command-line

    composer require "dsdevbe/ldap-connector:4.0.*"
  2. Add the service provider in the app configuration by opening config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.

  3. Change the authentication driver in the Laravel config to use the ldap driver. You can find this in the following file config/auth.php

    'providers' => [
        'users' => [
            'driver' => 'ldap',
            'adldap' => [
                'account_suffix'=>  '@domain.local',
                'domain_controllers'=>  array(
                ), // Load balancing domain controllers
                'base_dn'   =>  'DC=domain,DC=local',
                'admin_username' => 'admin', // This is required for session persistance in the application
                'admin_password' => 'yourPassword',

    Please note that the fields 'admin_username' and 'admin_password' are required for session persistance!


The LDAP plugin is an extension of the Auth class and will act the same as normal usage with Eloquent driver.

if (Auth::attempt(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)))
    return Redirect::intended('dashboard');

You can find more examples on Laravel Auth Documentation on using the Auth:: function.

Use AuthController

If you want to use the authentication controller that ships with Laravel you will need to change the following files. By default App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController checks for the email field if nothing is provided. To overwrite this value add the following line in the AuthController.

protected $username = 'username';

Laravel documentation: Authentication Quickstart

Ldap User Information

Difference with ldap-connector V3 is that now the adLDAP model is directly exposed on the user model. This means that you can fetch all data directly from the user. To access the adldap model you can use now Auth::user()->getAdLDAP().


  • Auth::user()->getAdLDAP()->getAccountName()
  • Auth::user()->getAdLDAP()->getFirstName()

To fetch more properties please check adLDAP2 documentation


Feel free to contribute to this project for new features or bug fixes. We are open for improvements!