> Have you checked what location permissions you have granted? If the app's killed, it would need "Always" to carry on receiving updates yes i have given "allow all the...
Anyone reply this questions .
This package is not working on some android and ios devices and we are unable to find the devices as they are live users may i know the device names...
Will the latest version 4.14.4 will perfectly work with react native version 0.64.0 if i try to update the latest plugin version?
In ios simulator using getlogs i get logs that looks like this and it is much readable and understandable 2024-04-08 12:24:25.899 ✅-[LocationDAO destroyAll:]_block_invoke DESTROY SUCCESS (1) 2024-04-08 12:24:25.899 🔵-[LocationDAO allWithLocking:]_block_invoke...
**In ios simulator using getlogs i get logs that looks like this and it is much readable and understandable** **And in android it does not show uuid when destroy action...