calc_for_everything copied to clipboard
Random password Generator
Enter calculator name -
Random password Generator
Describe calculator functionality -
Create sets of characters up to 50 long that are generated randomly from your choice of 1 or more of below sets -
Lowercase Alphabets - abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Uppercase Alphabets - ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Integers - 0123456789 Special Characters - !?@#$%^&*(){}[]<>~+=-_/|:;,
Under which category you wish to place it -
- [x] Computer Science
- [ ] Mathematics
- [ ] Physics
- [ ] Chemistry
- [ ] Biology
- [ ] Art
- [ ] Finance
- [ ] Scientific
- [ ] Health
- [ ] Games/Sports
- [x] Let project owner decide
- [ ] Suggest a new category - (Answer here)
@Alfred-hhy, Kindly do not work on the issue unless you are assigned.
Kindly assign this issue to me
@wuhue, Abiding by the contribution policy, not more than 2 issues can be assigned at a time.
Kindly comment once the previous issues are merged.
@SarthakKeshari Kindly assign this issues to me.