On the apps, it shows all the battery telemetry. That's on the V1 and V2 App. On the I can also see both battery stacks with full telemetry -...
Sure - Sending it now
Something I noticed in raw data output in the Logs - It looks like it is returning a value under SoC but as a variable- {'unit': '%', 'name': 'SoC', 'variable':...
Fantastic. We're looking to make use of Fox a lot more going forward and this integration will help.
Everything looks to be working 100%. I can see the two packs and the normal SOC sensor become irrelevant. PV5 and PV6 Is also showing 100%. Thanks to much for...
Hi There. Everything seems to working fine, but one thing I picked up is that The Bat Charge and Bat Discharge looks like it's only being calculated for one battery....
Getting the same from the FoxCloud app. Will have to check the inverter tomorrow. Clock and Time Zone is correct. The inverter hasn't been updated with new firmware yet. Will...
Ok - So fox did a firmware update today. The inverter battery capacity still only shows one battery, but the charge and discharge kWh reading does appear to be correct...
Even after the update. The charge and discharge is still incorrect.