Sardar Khan
Sardar Khan
@NlptechProduct also this app\src\main\res\xml-sw600dp\key_styles_enter.xml:85: AAPT: error: 'action' is incompatible with attribute backgroundType (attr) enum [empty=0, functional=2, normal=1, spacebar=6] [weak].
@NlptechProduct yes. you can run the app and then check it,
@NlptechProduct yes this project builds successfully but when trying to run it shows this error. kindly check it.
@NlptechProduct i am using implementation 'com.nlptech.zengine:keyboardkernel:1.3.12'
@NlptechProduct it was my own project i am using your keyboard as library in my project's gradle file.
Yes my gradle file is lintOptions { abortOnError false } sourceSets { main { assets.srcDirs = ['src/main/assets'] // jniLibs.srcDirs = ['src/main/jniLibs'] } } //For language test dataBinding { enabled =...
@NlptechProduct did you check this issue?