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Make your first Pull Request on Hacktoberfest 2023. if you know the implementation of any DSA related topic/problem or hackerrank, leetcode, hackerearth problem then you can contribute it in this repo...


Hacktoberfest Banner

Welcome to Hacktober Fest 2023⚡️✨

👉 Add any project, algorithm or DSA solution in any programming language..
-🚀 C
-🚀 C++
-🚀 C#
-🚀 PHP
-🚀 Java
-🚀 Python
-🚀 Javascript

In each respective folder on any topic, don't forget to read the rules below to get your pull request accepted.

Contribute anything to this repo and earn rewards!

⚙️ Visit The Hacktoberfest website for more information Hacktoberfest 2023

🛠 Welcome to Hacktobefest 2023 Event

How To Contribute

⌛️ In order to do successful contribution you must read the rules at the bottom; all pull requests will be accepted by those who correctly submitted their PR.

Star the repository

⌛️ Patience is key! If the pull request is not merged, tell me in the comment section!

Getting started

  • Fork this repository (Click the Fork button in the top right of this page, click your Profile Image)
  • Clone your fork down to your local machine
git clone
  • Create a branch
git checkout -b branch-name
  • Make your changes (choose from any task below) / Add one or more code or algo into the related folder.
  • secondly add your details into the contributor list folder just create a file conatains your name, institiute/company , github_url (the file name should be <> ).
| Name             | Institution/Company                    | GitHub                                  |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------  | --------------------------------------  |
| Aman ali         | Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering |[GitHub Profile](|
  • Commit your changes & push you all done!
git add .
git commit -m 'Commit message'
git push origin branch-name
  • Create a new pull request from your forked repository (Click the New Pull Request button located at the top of your repo)
  • Wait for your PR review and merge approval!
  • Star this repository


  1. Beginner-friendly
  2. Targeted for developers, content writers, and programming enthusiasts.
  3. Would also help participants who are not familiar with development but are eager to participate in open source.

Thanks to all Contributors💖

🛡 Rules

  • Add link of the problem as comments in the code if contributing solution of any problems from Leetcode, GeekForGeeks, Codechef or Codeforces, etc. No need to add entire main function.
  • Dont forget to star this repository and follow me for successful merge.
  • Add the proper extension to your code file. Examples: .c, .js, .cpp , .py or .java.
  • Give your file a proper name related to your program in snake_case.
  • Put your files in correct folder like .cpp file in c++ folder or .py file in python folder.
  • If folder is not present for your language create new with name of your programming language like C++ , Python etc
  • Make repo well maintained if topic not present in which you want to contribute create new folder for it in their paricular section or language

🛡 Notice

All contributors who have followed above rules correctly will meet merge pull request successfully.

For any further issues, you can contact me in the comments

Always make more than 4 total pull requests for hacktoberfest for safer side.

🖥️ Happy Coding 🔥 Happy Hacking...

Md Tajuddin

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