Santosh Gupta

Results 83 comments of Santosh Gupta

It says you didn't define `inputs`. What did you set `inputs` as? It just may be a python bug.

It looks like you didn't define any inputs, so that's what was giving you the `NameError: name 'inputs' is not defined` error. It's an error when you reference a variable...

For ``` from docproduct.models import MedicalQAModelwithBert medical_qa_model = MedicalQAModelwithBert( config_file=os.path.join( pretrained_path, 'bert_config.json'), checkpoint_file=os.path.join(pretrained_path, 'biobert_model.ckpt'))"model.h5") ``` The error message mentions "Consider using `save_weights`, in order to save the weights of...

The error message also says >Usually, input shapes are automatically determined from calling .fit() or .predict(). So you could also trying calling the predict function first, but if that doesn't...

For the first method you are getting an error on the first line, you're trying to set the input when the input has been already set. Remove that line and...

@shravankumar9892 I do not believe it has been exported. I am just skimming through that link but it looks like that is for Estimator? We are using Keras.

> @Santosh-Gupta It seems the issue is that when model subclass was defined, the save() wasn't wasn't implemented > Since it inherits from `tf.keras.Model`, I imagine that `tf.keras.Model`'s save...

@JayYip I am wondering where could the architecture could possibly be dynamic. I believe Tensorflow is completely static? Perhaps with the variable length input, which may explain why we keep...

I didn't save any of mines, I wish I did. Watching the effects of dropout was quite interesting. @JayYip or @ash3n did you save any of yours?

>What GPU you use to trained your model? Is 8 GB VRAM not enough? Does the OOM error comes from Loading BioBERT model or from your architecture? @JayYip or @ash3n...