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My dotfiles for BSPWM
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/_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ 'Dotfiles for BSPWM (created by Doomatic / u/Siurzu)
See my second branch of my BSPWM rices for more updated themes. Updates such as powermenus, new rofi themes and different polybar can be found in my Second Branch
Jump To:
- Pre-Installation
- Creating Directories
- Applying all themes/configs
- Credits
- Screenshots
- Help/QuickGuide
Window Manager: BSPWM
Bar: Polybar
Launcher Rofi
Distro: Arch Linux
Gtk Theme: ~~Gruvbox~~ Colloid Dark (I changed my Gtk theme, as you can see in my Pywal Screenshots)
Colorscheme: Gruvbox (I edited up a little to flow with some of my wallpapers)
Music Player: MPD/Ncmpcpp
Main Web Browser: Firefox with Gnome Empathy theme
File Manager: Nemo
Icons: Tele Icon Circle
Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S polybar bspwm picom sxhkd rofi dunst kitty cava feh ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k nemo xinput xsetroot
sudo apt install polybar bspwm picom sxhkd rofi dunst kitty cava feh nemo xinput xsetroot
sudo dnf install polybar bspwm sxhkd rofi dunst kitty cava feh nemo xinput xsetroot
Optional: Donwloading picom-ibhagwan-git for blurring, and BetterlockScreen for a lockscreen.
yay -Syu picom-ibhagwan-git betterlockscreen
Fedora and Ubuntu Users can read this to see how to build Picom-ibhagwan. Fedora and Ubuntu Users can read this to see how to install Betterlockscreen
Make sure you install Iosveka Nerd Fonts and Nerd Fonts Symbols only for polybar!
Nerd Fonts Symbols Only: Iosevka Nerd Fonts:
Also install Melso-Nerd-Fonts if you want the correct fonts to work in Kitty.
Make your directories if needed:
mkdir ~/.config/bspwm
mkdir ~/.config/dunst
mkdir ~/.config/kitty
mkdir ~/.config/cava
mkdir ~/.config/sxhkd
mkdir ~/.fonts
mkdir ~/.config/picom
mkdir ~/Pictures/Wallpapers
Applying Dotfiles:
mv ~/dotfiles/Wallpapers/life.png ~/Pictures/Wallpapers
mv ~/dotfiles/bspwm/bspwmrc ~/.config/bspwm
mv ~/dotfiles/sxhkd/sxhkdrc ~/.config/sxhkd
mv ~/dotfiles/dunst/dunstrc ~/.config/dunst
mv ~/dotfiles/kitty/kitty.conf ~/.config/kitty
mv ~/dotfiles/picom/picom.conf ~/.config/picom
mv ~/dotfiles/polybar ~/.config/
mv ~/dotfiles/cava/config ~/.config/cava
sudo cp ~/dotfiles/Rofi/orgin.rasi /usr/share/rofi/themes
Do not Copy my sxhkdrc if you do not want my keyblinds.
Kitty Theme Based On (I just added some transparency to it and different font)
- Alternetive Stuff My Current Gtk Theme
(The Gtk Theme Im using as a now)
Pywal Screenshots
(Read the Help/Quickguide to see how to enable Pywal for polybar and for the terminal)
Read Bellow if you have issues or Need help.
Help and Quickguide
Opening Apps
- Kitty : super + enter
- Nemo (File Manager) : super + backspace
- Lockscreen : crtl + alt + l
- Rofi : super + e
- Firefox : super + w
- Brave : super + shift + p
Window Control and Bspwm Keys
- Closing Apps : super + q
- Restart Bspwm : super + shift + r
- Quit Bspwm : super + shift + q
- Floating Window : super + shift + space
- Moving Floating Window : crtl + alt + {up, down, left, right keys}
- Enlarge Floating Window : super + crtl + {up, down, left, right keys}
- Make Floating Window Small : super + alt + {up, down, left, right keys}
- Moving a Window to another Workspace : super + shift + {1-9} (1 -7 if your using my bspwmrc config)
- Going to another Workspace : super + {1-9} (1 -7 if your using my bspwmrc config)
How to
Change Polybar Colors:
Go to ~/.config/polybar/colors and edit each color to your prefernece. You can also use Pywal to generate colors (based on your wallpaper) for your polybar and terminal.
Make Kitty autostart with Pywal Colors:
Add whats bellow to the end of your .bashrc, .zshrc, (or whatever your shell is).
cat ~/.cache/wal/sequences
Autostart Polybar with Pywal colors:
- [ ~~Still trying to figure out a efficent way to do it.~~ ]
~~Open /home/USER/.cache/wal/colors.Xresources in perfer text edtior or do cat /home/USER/.cache/wal/colors.Xresources.~~
~~Copy all of the output and put it in your /home/USER/.Xresources file.~~
touch ~/.Xresources
cp ~/.cache/wal/colors.Xresources ~/.Xresources
Change BetterLockScreen Background
Type whats bellow in your terminal
betterlockscreen -u /path/to/background
( Also do betterlockscreen -h for more help )
Change Polybar Width, Height and Floating Height:
Open ~/.config/polybar/bars in your perfered text editor. Each bar is correctly order so you know which bar you are modifing. (Main being the first bar, ballzz being the second and LinusTorballzz being the last). Widith is to change how long the bar is (you might wanna change the width for the last bar as its not able to show Date, Day, and Time)
Height is to change how long your bar is from top-to-bottom.
Offset-x is to change how far you bar is from lefft and rightt
Offset-y is to change your floating posstion. If you want to place your bar at the bottom of the screen change [ bottom = false] to [ bottom = true ].
- You can mess around with Changing the fonts and modules placment but I rather you not do so.
Change your rofi theme:
Open rofi-theme-selector with [ super + crtl + e] and choose your theme. If you're trying to download a custom theme do:
cp /path/to/theme /usr/share/rofi/themes/
Then open rofi-theme-selector and change to your perfered theme