
Results 22 comments of SansGuidon

Thank you ! I've also made them aware of the issue, hoping they got the message.

I do agree the integration with wallabag took me time to setup because of this confusion

I support this request, I have missed this feature at least a few times this week as I often end up blocking the same keywords globally in my newsfeed, typically...

Hey 👋🏻 I also see a need for this so I'm upvoting the issue, and in the meantime I've installed Tampermonkey and made use of this script to hide...

> try installing a previous version via extension menu -> tabnine. For me the whole extension has not been working from the beginning despite I was paying for a subscription...

If that can help, I faced the same error a few times in previous days, everytime I had to uninstall the app and reinstall it because I had no clue...

Hi @Strubbl I'm not sure how much memory is needed for Wallabag ? with about 1.5 links it seems 650 MB is not enough ? I've seen people struggling with...

@Strubbl this seems unexpectedly low compared to what instructions are given to Cloudron for this app. Maybe the setting is for the whole image and not for PHP. The whole...

Yet another case of URL that causes issues on server is , it seems to take forever to process. No idea why Via curl it's going instant, but via...