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Feature: WEB-1496 integrate reveal theme builder
- local pre-built css removeod
- scss revealjs template integrated
- new script to handle revealjs css build
- new scripts to handle revealjs scss watch and build
- remove local js required by revealjs as we already switched to CDN sources
- DRAFT digital slides theme refactoring started
contributes to WEB-1496
SonarCloud Quality Gate failed.
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3 Code Smells
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0.0% Duplication
This pull request has been deployed to Vercel.
Latest commit: | a4bea66 |
✅ Preview: | https://konviw-r108bjm2q-konviw.vercel.app |
🔍 Inspect: | https://vercel.com/konviw/konviw/AVtUybcNXASswgJJegARR2V9t78z |