@papnoisanjeev The button **color** on the signup page should be **_#26a37c._** Please find the screenshot [Here](
@papnoisanjeev Please **resolve** the **conflicts**
Hi there, Have you **configure** your **database** **credentials** in **.env** file before running this command? **_php artisan krayin-crm:install_**
Hi there, I guess you **skip** some **steps** while integrating the zoom, Please verify all **credentials** and try it again,
Hi there, Can you please let me know the **php** and **composer** **version** on your system?
And is it possible to **share** the screen **recording**.?
@KatiaSishost Can you please **raise** a **query** over **krayin forum**? I will **guide** you over the forum _****_
Hi @ProCycleDev **Thanks** for reporting, we will **add** this step to our documentation.
@jitendra-webkul as we discuss I am closing this enhancement.
@jitendra-webkul Now, this issue is **fixed**. so I am **closing** this issue. And I have attached a screenshot [Here](, for future reference.