tidi copied to clipboard
The 2Kb smallest Chat component.
Meet tidi, the 2kb
bubble chat component for any website... made using preact, running with a 4MB
compiled backend service.
I made this project for a specific need, that was a lite 'live chat' on some platform like twitter from the "twitter space" feature, the final idea was then to come up with a web extension that could allow chatting all over the internet with a single roomkey and an username, that's why the project was first called ttspch (standing for twitter space chat)... well.., i decided to change it due to the impossible pronounciation thing....
- node/npm (for dev)
- go (for dev)
- Docker (for the prod)
CLI Commands
The backend should be running first before the frontend ...
Back End
# start the docker container
cd backend && make docker-run
# or using pm2 :
# cd backend
# pm2 start --name tidi-backend make -- docker-run
# Start the backend app
cd backend && make run
The service should be running on port :1324
Front End
# This step is optional, because you can use the provided dist resource,
# ths command will install dependencies, build bundles to be consumed
# copy the appropriate html file in dist
make build-dist
# then serve the dist folder with an http server
cd dist && http-server
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
The app should be accessible on port :8080
Let say you want to integrate it inside you're application, you will just have to pass to the component, two parameters:
- The Host of the running service
- The Username of the current user
I managed to make a small test chrome web extension for tidi and it's working pretty fine tho on a NFT twitter space...
Click on the image to whatch the video: