Sander Elias
Sander Elias
@Harpush I'm Sorry. I was otherwise engaged, and this slipped my attention for way too long. Let me quickly catch up.
You are right about the component, but that would be a big, breaking change. It would require a refactor of everyone using our library. @Harpush Do you think there is...
@Harpush, we can export a centralized 'as-split-styles' file. As we are using Angular, I would actually prefer to use `ViewEncapsulation.none` and put it next to the components. (But I'm not...
Oh, I have read it back, and I might be a bit unclear. When we use CSS-custom-properties, we don't need to have _any_ CSS file(s) available to users. They can...
>The thing is I am not sure if a css variables file can be imported safely to all components and directives without duplicates or whether angular can include that file...
> Anyway I think the directive should be a component - the only question is when (this PR vs a later breaking PR). I would keep it separate unless it...
@Harpush I'm going to look into it, I'll let you know.
@Harpush I did a quick test here: I moved to CSS + viewEncap none. At first glance, everything seems to work okay, but I don't have time to look...
>@SanderElias Are you sure :where works how you expect when we put it in split.component.scss? I might be missing something but :root get overridden and local css variables only affect...
That impact will be minimal and will be inside the CSS layer of the browser, not affecting anything on the main thread.