ClaySoldiersMod copied to clipboard
Clay nexus, where is it even?
[ Please replace text in [] with the answer from the above question! ]
Do you use Java 8? yes
What version of Minecraft do you use? [1.12.2]
What version of MinecraftForge do you use? []
What version of SanLib do you use? [1.12.2-1.5.1]
What version of Clay Soldiers do you use? [ClaySoldiersMod-1.12.2-3.0.0-beta.2.jar]
What is the issue / bug you have encountered? Give us a short description. the nexus/clay soldiers building things. throughout every other example i can find its meant to be in the mod, though building has been addressed to flat not work anymore the nexus has just been told to not allow configuration, though its not even in the mod at all. i am confused as to why atm.
The latest version is in beta, so there a lot of missing features from previous versions of the mod.