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Unable to hook branch execution?
There are two limitations I've found. Just want to confirm with you guys.
No way to hook
as a binary operation. There is a conditional(iid, result) for those but it only provides the result. However, I want to analyze the the left and right value for&&
. -
No way to hook branch execution.
if (expr) {
do A;
} else {
do B;
- There is no hook to notify me which branch the code is entering.
- Difficult to obtain the final
I think there should be a unique id to mark a if-else, do-while block. Furthermore, a callback is fired when every sub-block starts and ends. Thus, analysis for branch execution can be done.
With enough pre-processing of the instrumented AST, you can have the information. It is inconvenient to write the AST-analysis, but it is not a limitation of Jalangi itself.
The astHandler (https://github.com/Samsung/jalangi2/blob/master/src/js/utils/api.js#L99) argument allows you to do the pre-processing.
Furthermore, a callback is fired when every sub-block starts and ends. Thus, analysis for branch execution can be done.
I implemented the analysis for that some time ago, I have pasted the AST-part of it below (typescript), but I do not know how well it behaves with the current Jalangi instrumentation. I hope it can be of some help to you.
The general idea is to identify the branches of a conditional and extract all IIDs inside them. At runtime, you will know that you have left a branch when you observe an IID outside the set of IIDs associated with the branch. (You will also need to manually maintain a call-stack for any calls inside the branch).
/// <reference path="./types.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./jalangi/jalangi.d.ts" />
import jalangi = require('./jalangi/jalangi-interface');
var astUtil = jalangi.getAstUtil();
export class ControlStructureImpl implements ControlStructure {
* @param condition as the iid of the last evaluated expression before entering the body
* @param conditionBody as all the iids in the condition
* @param body as all the iids evaluated after the condition (including the 'i++' part of for loops!)
constructor(public condition:IIDPrimitive, public body:IIDPrimitive[]) {
toJSON() {
return {
condition: this.condition,
body: this.body
export class ControlStructuresImpl implements ControlStructures {
constructor(public values:ControlStructure[]) {
toJSON() {
return {values: this.values};
function isJalangiFunctionCall(node:Node) {
return node.type === 'CallExpression' &&
node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
node.callee.object.type === 'Identifier' &&
node.callee.object.name === astUtil.JALANGI_VAR;
function controlStructureAnalysis(node:AST, nodeName:string, conditionChooser:(n:Node) => Node, bodyPartsChooser:(n:Node) => [Node]):ControlStructures {
function collectAllPrimitiveIIDsInFunction(node:Node):IIDPrimitive[] {
var iids:IIDPrimitive[] = [];
var visitorPre = {
"CallExpression": function (node:Node) {
if (isJalangiFunctionCall(node) && node.arguments.length > 0) {
function ignoreSubAst(node:Node) {
return node.type === "FunctionDeclaration" || node.type === "FunctionExpression";
astUtil.transformAst(node, undefined, visitorPre, 1 /*CONTEXT.RHS*/, false, ignoreSubAst /* NB: requires patched jalangi2! */);
return iids;
var controlStructures:ControlStructure[] = [];
var visitorPre:any = {};
visitorPre[nodeName] = function (node:Node) {
var conditionNode = conditionChooser(node);
if (!conditionNode ||
/* The Jalangi while(true){...} loop */
(node.type === "WhileStatement" && conditionNode.type === 'Literal' && conditionNode.value === true) ||
/* The Jalangi function return/backtrack and script return*/
(node.type === "IfStatement" && isJalangiFunctionCall(conditionNode) && (conditionNode.callee.property.name === "Fr" || conditionNode.callee.property.name === "Sr"))
) {
var conditionBody = collectAllPrimitiveIIDsInFunction(conditionNode);
var condition = conditionBody[0];
var body:IIDPrimitive[] = [];
body = body.concat(conditionBody);
var bodyParts = bodyPartsChooser(node);
for (var i = 0; i < bodyParts.length; i++) {
var bodyPart = bodyParts[i];
if (!!bodyPart) {
body = body.concat(collectAllPrimitiveIIDsInFunction(bodyPart));
controlStructures.push(new ControlStructureImpl(condition, body));
astUtil.transformAst(node, undefined, visitorPre, 1 /*CONTEXT.RHS*/);
return new ControlStructuresImpl(controlStructures);
interface Node {
// acorn node
type: string
callee?: Node
object?: Node
arguments?: Node[]
value?: any
property?: Node
export function astAnalysis(instrumentedAST:AST):ExtraASTInfo {
return {
// forIns: controlStructureAnalysis(instrumentedAST, "ForInStatement", (n:Node)=>[n.body.statements[0]["APPROX"]], (n:Node)=>(n:Node)=>n.body.statements.slice(1)),
fors: controlStructureAnalysis(instrumentedAST, "ForStatement", (n:any)=>n.test, (n:any)=>[n.update, n.body]),
whiles: controlStructureAnalysis(instrumentedAST, "WhileStatement", (n:any)=>n.test, (n:any)=>[n.body]),
ifs: controlStructureAnalysis(instrumentedAST, "IfStatement", (n:any)=>n.test, (n:any)=>[n.consequent, n.alternate]),
ternaries: controlStructureAnalysis(instrumentedAST, "ConditionalExpression", (n:any)=>n.test, (n:any)=>[n.consequent, n.alternate])