GearVRf copied to clipboard
Eyepicker + TextViewSceneObjects
I'm currently trying to get the following to work: Two to four buttons (TextViewSceneObjects) with the one you look at changing color. Later I also want to make them clickable to start different things depending on which one got chosen.
Here's my code (half taken from the "gvrpickandmove" sample):
public class PickHandler implements IPickEvents {
public void onEnter(GVRSceneObject sceneObj, GVRPicker.GVRPickedObject pickInfo) {
if(sceneObj instanceof GVRTextViewSceneObject) {
((GVRTextViewSceneObject) sceneObj).setBackgroundColor(Color.GREEN);
picked = sceneObj;
public void onExit(GVRSceneObject sceneObj) {
if(sceneObj instanceof GVRTextViewSceneObject) {
((GVRTextViewSceneObject) sceneObj).setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK);
public void onNoPick(GVRPicker picker) {
picked = null;
public void onPick(GVRPicker picker) { }
public void onInside(GVRSceneObject sceneObj, GVRPicker.GVRPickedObject pickInfo) { }
public void onInit(GVRContext gvrContext) {
GVRSceneObject headTracker = new GVRSceneObject(gvrContext,
new FutureWrapper<GVRMesh>(gvrContext.createQuad(0.1f, 0.1f)),
gvrContext.loadFutureTexture(new GVRAndroidResource(
gvrc, R.drawable.crosshair)));
headTracker.getTransform().setPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
headTracker.attachComponent(new GVRPicker(gvrContext, scene));
pickHandler = new PickHandler();
scene.getMainCameraRig().getLeftCamera().setBackgroundColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
scene.getMainCameraRig().getRightCamera().setBackgroundColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
GVRTextViewSceneObject b1 = new GVRTextViewSceneObject(gvrContext, 2f, 0.5f, "test 1");
GVRTextViewSceneObject b2 = new GVRTextViewSceneObject(gvrContext, 2f, 0.5f, "test 2");
b1.getTransform().setPosition(0.0f, 0.5f, -2.0f);
b1.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER | Gravity.CENTER);
b1.attachComponent(new GVRMeshCollider(gvrc, true));
b2.getTransform().setPosition(0.0f, -0.5f, -2.0f);
b2.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER | Gravity.CENTER);
b2.attachComponent(new GVRMeshCollider(gvrc, true));
The problem is: Depending on what I attach, changing the color doesn't work properly, it simply ignores the outer half of the background:
... or changes the color even though I don't even look at the button anymore:
Plus, there's this weird black border outside of the green background.
What I've already tried:
- b1.attachComponent(new GVRMeshCollider(gvrc, true)): The button is green and also stays green if I look at it but I get the two bugs mentioned above.
- With the second parameter set to false, the background doesn't stay green when the pointer is inside. If I additionally use "onInside", the text isn't seen as inside, so looking at it will turn the background black again, plus there's only a small area around the text that will make the background change its color.
- b1.attachComponent(new GVRSphereCollider(gvrc)): Same problems as in 1..
- b1.attachComponent(new GVRMeshCollider(gvrc, b1.getRenderData().getMesh())): Same problems as in 2..
Is there a specific way I have to do it, so it sees the whole background as "inside"?
Could you try
mainScene.getMainCameraRig().getOwnerObject().attachComponent(new GVRPicker(gvrContext, scene));
instead of
headTracker.attachComponent(new GVRPicker(gvrContext, scene));
This is a bug which I have been able to replicate with the latest master. I will look at why picking seems to not work with text view scene objects.
Pull request #812 should fix this bug. Please give it a try and see if it fixes your program.
@rahul27 Thank you, I tested all four ways with your suggestion and it looks like "new GVRMeshCollider(gvrc, false)" is the way to go with it. From the left it triggers the color change a little bit too early and from the right a little bit too late but I yet have to test it with two buttons next to each other and if it doesn't get worse, I'd say that the small offset is neglectable with a completely black background (only changed it to red for testing).
As with the other ways:
- made the detection area bigger, so the black background completely triggers the change but it looks like the area is a circle and there's still the same problem like in the second screenshot.
- Same as 2., so okay.
- Same as 1.
Is it important that I detach the picker and delete the tracker again manually? I keep getting this error when I try to clear the scene through "scene.removeAllSceneObjects()" (which is line 790) before adding a TextViewSceneObject (in my case an error message) after pressing the picked button:
08-17 15:39:32.739: E/MessageQueue-JNI(8826): java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: GVRSceneObject cannot have multiple parents
08-17 15:39:32.739: E/MessageQueue-JNI(8826): at org.gearvrf.GVRSceneObject.addChildObject(
08-17 15:39:32.739: E/MessageQueue-JNI(8826): at org.gearvrf.GVRScene.addSceneObject(
08-17 15:39:32.739: E/MessageQueue-JNI(8826): at org.gearvrf.GVRScene.removeAllSceneObjects(
08-17 15:39:32.739: E/MessageQueue-JNI(8826): at com.xxxx.xxxx.MainScript.showText(
Something else I just noticed: The console says "The library 'framework.jar' contains native libraries that will not run on the device." when I run my app on the phone through Eclipse (don't know if it's a new message or if it's been there the whole time). Will that be a problem at some point or can I just ignore it?
@NolaDonato Thank you. Unfortunately I still haven't gotten Android Studio to work and import the project properly, so unless there are any huge changes and bug fixes my app has to rely on, I'll just finish it with Eclipse and only then migrate and get the newest version.
GVRMeshCollider(gvrc, false) will pick against the triangles in the mesh. It is a good way to go if you are using text views because it is the most precise way of picking and a text view is only two triangles so it is actually cheaper than testing against the bounding box.
GVRMeshCollider(gvrc, true) makes a bounding box around your mesh and picks against that. If you rotate your mesh it recomputes the rotated bounding box from the corners of the original so it is not a tight fit. If you have a complex mesh it is a lot faster.
GVRSphereCollider makes a sphere from the bounding box of your mesh and picks against that. You can supply a radius to make the sphere smaller. This is the fastest but least precise way of picking. I would not use it for buttons that are close. It will give you onEnter for both sometimes.
With pull request #812 I changed GVRPicker to pick from the viewpoint of the camera if you don't attach it to a scene object. Now you simply need to instantiate it to start picking:
GVRPicker myPicker = new GVRPicker(context, scene);
I will look into why removeAllSceneObjects crashes when using text views. This is a bug and it is not caused by anything your program did incorrectly.
Did you get the picker working in your application? The pull request is now checked in to the master branch.
Thanks for the explanation!
I didn't even manage to get an older version of my code from just before I switched to 3.0.1 to work with 3.0.1 again but I think I found the problem for that: If I use "scene.removeAllSceneObjects()" on an "empty" scene (apparently there are always at least 5 scene objects in it, even directly after "scene = gvrContext.getNextMainScene()"), it causes the above error message to show. "if(!scene.getSceneObjects().isEmpty())" doesn't work in this case, I had to use "if(scene.getWholeSceneObjects().length>5)".
I also did a little bit more testing and yes, you're right, TextViews make "removeAllSceneObjects" throw that error message but it's not only that, even normal SceneObjects (in my case they were created with "GL_LINE_STRIP") cause the same problem - and "if(scene.getWholeSceneObjects().length>5)" doesn't help then of course.
I did get the initial button picking to work with rahul27's suggestion but sorry, I haven't been able to test your change from the master branch because of the >3.0.1/Eclipse incompatibility yet.
Any news on a fix for the crashes? Sorry if I seem a bit impatient, it's just that I can't really do/test anything until this problem is fixed and my app can properly clear the scene again and reverting back to a pre-3.0.1 version of the Framework would most likely break the EyePicker.
I have tested GVRScene.clear() on an empty scene and it does not crash with the latest GearVRF. Here is my test: GVRSceneObject sphere = new GVRSceneObject(ctx); GVRTextViewSceneObject text = new GVRTextViewSceneObject(ctx, "Hello");
text.getTransform().setPosition(-1, 0, -2);
sphere.getTransform().setPosition(1, 0, -2);
This test does not crash the current framework. I will need a specific sample that crashes for you to see if I can reproduce the problem here.
I see you're using "scene.clear()", should I use that or rather "scene.removeAllSceneObjects()" like I always have?
I always clear the scene before adding something new, just to be safe that there are no leftovers, so it's possible that an actually empty scene gets cleared and with "scene.getSceneObjects().isEmpty()" not working in my version, I can't really rely on "if(scene.getWholeSceneObjects().length>5)" in case there are any changes to that later. So, I mean "empty scene" as in actually empty (without adding any objects), like:
GVRTextViewSceneObject text = new GVRTextViewSceneObject(ctx, "Hello");
This only started crashing my app when I got 3.0.1, with the last version I had before that I've never had any problems.
The five objects in the scene are the root node and the camera group which has a left, right and center camera. These are needed for head tracking to work. GVRScene.clear() just calls GVRScene.removeAllSceneObjects() so I am not really doing anything different than you are.
The root node will only have one child if the scene is empty (the camera rig). This does not crash on the latest GearVRF when I run it.
GVRTextViewSceneObject text = new GVRTextViewSceneObject(ctx, "Hello");
Ah, okay.
Oh, it looks like only 3.0.1 has this bug then, which really isn't good. Is there any way to get a different version of 3.x.x that works properly (clearing and head tracking) but also still supports Eclipse?
@NolaDonato can you checkout 3.0.1 and see if you can apply your bugfix to it? You may have to coordinate with @liaxim. I'd like to 1) unblock @Nathipha and 2) See what we can do to help @Nathipha migrate to Android Studio.
Yes, it would be awesome if you could fix 3.0.1 for Eclipse because I'm giving up on Android Studio.
I managed to kind of get it to import my Eclipse project but in the end it gave me the "Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (e.g. editing, debugging) will not work properly." message and the folder structure was messed up too, so a complete fail on that part.
New try: With a new project and manually added my java files, res stuff and the changes of the old manifest. I then (like it says here: copied the "" file to "\app\jniLibs" and "SystemUtils.jar" and "VrApi.jar" to "\app\libs" and added the latter two as libraries. That's where the problems begin: I got the newest version of the framework (so the zip file) and managed to add it as a module but adding it to the "Dependencies" tab (File - Project Structure) as a "Module Dependency" doesn't work. Or it does but it won't save it - same thing with the path of the NDK: I've put it in at least 5 times already but the next time I open those settings, the path is gone again. And yes, I did clean/build the project (Build - Clean Project / Rebuild Project) right after adding every time but even that doesn't work:
Information:Gradle tasks [clean, :app:generateDebugSources, :app:generateDebugAndroidTestSources, :app:prepareDebugUnitTestDependencies, :app:mockableAndroidJar, :framework:generateDebugSources, :framework:generateDebugAndroidTestSources, :framework:prepareDebugUnitTestDependencies, :framework:mockableAndroidJar]
Warning:not copying Oculus files; OVR_MOBILE_SDK not found
Warning:relying on hard-coded paths and environment variables; OVR_MOBILE_SDK not found
:framework:cleanNative FAILED
Error:Execution failed for task ':framework:cleanNative'.
> A problem occurred starting process 'command 'ndk-build.cmd''
Information:BUILD FAILED
My "ovr_sdk_mobile" folder is still in the same spot it has always been in, same thing for the "Framework" folder and there are environment variables for both the "ovr_sdk_mobile" and the NDK folder.
Instead of environment variables or relying on a fixed folder structure there is a better way. Modify (either the project's or the global one; global one recommended) to include:
Are you using Windows? Which Android Studio version?
The global should be under ~/.gradle/ on Linux and under the .gradle/ in user's directory in Windows.
Win 7 (64 bit) and 2.1.2 (I know, there's an update).
I added it in the "" in "wrapper\dists\gradle-2.10-all\samples\userguide\tutorial\properties" (there were three more: 1 in "samples\signing\maven" and 2 in "wrapper\dists\gradle-1.12-all" - my project uses 2.10 according to the folder in Android Studio) but still the same errors. Also no changes after including it in the "" file in "G:\Dev\Android\workspace\myapp\gradle\wrapper".
I guess it would be best for you to just add these properties to the file under ./GVRf/Framework/. Should eliminate some confusion.
I tried to build the latest with Eclipse and it doesn't work because we split out the Oculus back end to be separate and the old project files don't reflect that. I think we are stuck with Android Studio unless this is an easy fix to the Eclipse projects.
If you replace GVRScene.removeAllSceneObjects in release 3.0.1 with the code below, it won't crash anymore.
public void removeAllSceneObjects() { GVRCameraRig rig = getMainCameraRig(); GVRSceneObject head = rig.getOwnerObject(); rig.removeAllChildren(); head.getParent().removeChildObject(head);
for (GVRSceneObject child : mSceneRoot.getChildren()) {
synchronized (mLightList)
mSceneRoot = new GVRSceneObject(getGVRContext());
NativeScene.addSceneObject(getNative(), mSceneRoot.getNative());
@liaxim I removed the framework in the module settings, deleted the folder in the project overview on the left, then added the paths to the " file under ./GVRf/Framework/" (I used the already existing lines in the file), re-imported it and added the dependency to my app but I still get the same error messages. Another build/cleaning and even "invalidate caches / restart" didn't help and the framework got deleted from the "dependencies" tab again. Something else seems to be going on with Android Studio too. I'm also working on a small side-app for my main app and I sadly have to use Android Studio because there's no ADT versions for API > 21 for Eclipse. It took me over an hour to get the project to even build because of some weird "could not delete file" error messages and when I just now let it install the newest version (2.1.3), it gave me the same "Access Denied" for the "Delete" action **** again. It looks like Android Studio really wants to be "special" and needs admin access for everything (still didn't fix my problem with the damn thing unfortunately)...
@NolaDonato Thank you so much, with your changes my app works again, even without "if(scene.getWholeSceneObjects().length>5)"! :)
@Nathipha 0. start from scratch
- import the Framework project (GVRf/Framework/)
- open settings.gradle (in the Android view's gradle scripts); add this
include ':myapp'
project(':myapp').projectDir=new File('full-path-to-your-apps-module')
If full-path-to-your-apps-module
were to be some of our samples it would look like /home/some_user/GearVRf-Demos/gvr-eyepicking/app
3. open module settings of your app, go to the dependencies tab; add a module dependency to the framework; this should be it.
@liaxim Thanks, I'll try it either later today or tomorrow. Is it not necessary to add the oculussig in Android Studio (didn't find the "assets" folder in the new project) or is there a different folder for it?
@NolaDonato I just found another bug that's most likely connected to the first one: If I get every scene object with "scene.getWholeSceneObjects()", save it as an array and then later readd everything, it throws the same error message. Fortunately I can just do
for(int i=scene.getWholeSceneObjects().length;i<objects.length;i++)
and that'll work (as far as I've seen).
@Nathipha The oculus sig file needs to go your app's assets folder.
@liaxim There's none in my Android Studio project, hm... Possible that it didn't even set up correctly then. I'll check again after following your steps.
The error message is because you are trying to add something to the scene that has already been added. In GearVRf a scene object cannot have multiple parents. If you get all the objects and then try to add them again it is correct in giving you this message. Here is how to add something that is already in the scene somewhere else:
GVRSceneObject parent = sceneObj.getParent(); // get parent of scene object
Parent.removeChildObject(sceneObj); // remove it from the scene
Scene.addSceneObject(sceneObj); // add it somewhere else
@liaxim Okay, I created another new project, copied everything from my Eclipse one (java files, res stuff, manifest changes) and the extra files into it, then followed your steps.
There's something wrong with my Android Studio instance, even after the update and also if I start it as admin: For the base project it keeps whining about "Buildtools 24.0.1 requires Java 1.8 or above. Current JDK version is 1.7.", so I changed the JDK location for 1.8. (I currently use 1.7 for my environmental variable), saved the changes and at the end of the next build it whined about the exact same thing again and the settings reset themselves. Now it won't even keep the "SystemUtils.jar" and "VrApi.jar" as dependencies and it still doesn't save the framework (even with your changes to "settings.gradle "). Building, cleaning or "invalidate caches / restart" doesn't change any of it. Plus, it's still missing the "assets" folder, mabye because it's not building correctly, I don't know.
@NolaDonato Ah, I see, that got changed with 3.0.1 then. Before that it just readded the object. Thanks.
Could you share the build log with us? What do you mean by "save the framework"?
Sorry for my late answer.
I re-installed and updated everything (before that, I was stuck in an infinite "Unable to save plugin settings" circle), including the SDK (it's now on the same HDD as the other GearVR stuff and even has the SDK for Nougat), then also started from scratch with a new project and followed your steps again, liaxim. I still got the "Error:Buildtools 24.0.1 requires Java 1.8 or above. Current JDK version is 1.7." message at first but then it finally managed to actually keep the path for JDK 1.8. And - I can't believe what I'm seeing - but it now keeps the two .jar files ("SystemUtils" and "VrApi") and the framework as dependencies (that's what I ment with "save the framework") too.
A build gave me this
Error:(19, 0) NDK integration is deprecated in the current plugin.
<a href="">Consider trying the new experimental plugin</a><br><a href="useDeprecatedNdk">Set "android.useDeprecatedNdk=true" in to continue using the current NDK integration</a>
but I clicked the last link because I can't update NDK without breaking my Eclipse project.
Regarding the
include ':myapp'
project(':myapp').projectDir=new File('full-path-to-your-apps-module')
part: My settings.gradle file already says "include : 'app'", so should I just use the "project..." part and change it to ":app" or use the real name of my app (with "G:\Dev\Android\workspace\myappname\app")? I hope that that's what you meant, since "G:\Dev\GearVR\GVRf\Framework" or "G:\Dev\GearVR\GVRf\Framework\framework" don't have an "app" folder. Without adding anything to the file (it already says "include ':app', ':framework', ':backend_oculus'" this time around) this is the first time Android Studio at least partially built the project far enough that my code isn't full of "Cannot resolve ..." errors again ("only" for R, and
As for the build logs: Event Log:
17:41:21 Executing tasks: [clean, :app:generateDebugSources, :app:generateDebugAndroidTestSources, :app:prepareDebugUnitTestDependencies, :app:mockableAndroidJar, :app:compileDebugSources, :app:compileDebugAndroidTestSources, :app:compileDebugUnitTestSources, :framework:generateDebugSources, :framework:prepareDebugUnitTestDependencies, :framework:mockableAndroidJar, :framework:generateDebugAndroidTestSources, :framework:compileDebugSources, :framework:compileDebugUnitTestSources, :framework:compileDebugAndroidTestSources, :backend_oculus:generateDebugSources, :backend_oculus:prepareDebugUnitTestDependencies, :backend_oculus:mockableAndroidJar, :backend_oculus:generateDebugAndroidTestSources, :backend_oculus:compileDebugSources, :backend_oculus:compileDebugUnitTestSources, :backend_oculus:compileDebugAndroidTestSources]
17:41:23 Gradle build finished with 1 error(s) and 2 warning(s) in 1s 154ms
Gradle Console:
Executing tasks: [clean, :app:generateDebugSources, :app:generateDebugAndroidTestSources, :app:prepareDebugUnitTestDependencies, :app:mockableAndroidJar, :app:compileDebugSources, :app:compileDebugAndroidTestSources, :app:compileDebugUnitTestSources, :framework:generateDebugSources, :framework:prepareDebugUnitTestDependencies, :framework:mockableAndroidJar, :framework:generateDebugAndroidTestSources, :framework:compileDebugSources, :framework:compileDebugUnitTestSources, :framework:compileDebugAndroidTestSources, :backend_oculus:generateDebugSources, :backend_oculus:prepareDebugUnitTestDependencies, :backend_oculus:mockableAndroidJar, :backend_oculus:generateDebugAndroidTestSources, :backend_oculus:compileDebugSources, :backend_oculus:compileDebugUnitTestSources, :backend_oculus:compileDebugAndroidTestSources]
Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
Incremental java compilation is an incubating feature.
WARNING: not copying Oculus files; OVR_MOBILE_SDK not found
WARNING: relying on hard-coded paths and environment variables; OVR_MOBILE_SDK not found
:clean UP-TO-DATE
:app:clean UP-TO-DATE
:backend_oculus:cleanNative FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':backend_oculus:cleanNative'.
> A problem occurred starting process 'command 'ndk-build.cmd''
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 0.85 secs
@Nathipha Please add an ANDROID_NDK_HOME property to your file and specify the path to the your NDK installation;
@Nathipha I created a pre-release - This has the latest framework. Please update your application to depend on both .aars from the pre-release.