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Enhancement: Time Picker
I'm excited there is a date picker now! Would it be possible to also get the time options bound to the underlying control?
At the moment, you cannot use options to the underlying control of the date picker.
It seems the Datepick are using flatpickr as calendar logic and I have been looking into it. Flatpickr does have an option to change date picker to time picker by using two boolean values and a date format. See here for what I am talking about: link
so in theory, it should be easy to implement Flatpickr options. The Flatpickr options
it would be nice if date picker could look something like this:
@*Enable time on an normal AM/PM calendar*@
<MatDatePicker EnableTime="true"></MatDatePicker>
@*Enable time on an calendar with 24 hours option*@
<MatDatePicker EnableTime="true" Enable24Hr="true"></MatDatePicker>
@*Enable time picker with AM/PM*@
<MatDatePicker NoCalendar="true" EnableTime="true"></MatDatePicker>
and the date picker code is using an object that contains all the options that could send to the javascript behind the date picker instead of using a DateTime value that is sending back.
export function init(ref, cmp, options) {
//console.log('options', options)
ref.$flatpickr = flatpickr(ref, {
defaultDate: options.Value,
enableTime: options.EnableTime,
dateFormat: options.DateFormat,
noCalendar: options.NoCalendar,
time_24hr: options.Enable24Hr,
// wrap: true,
// allowInput: true,
// clickOpens: false,
onChange: function (value) {
// console.log(value);
cmp.invokeMethodAsync('MatDatePickerOnChangeHandler', value);
ref.$iconRef = iconRef;
// ref.addEventListener('focus', (i) => {
// ref.$flatpickr.close();
// });
I haven't managed to get it to work on my machine yet, but the concept is there.
But I am not sure if we can extend the date picker by making a new class called 'BaseMatTimePicker' and let it inherited from the BaseMatDatePicker than improve the date picker with options.
Enable time picker without Calendar, no longer works in version 2.0.0. (it disables everything) Is there some solution?
<MatDatePicker DisableCalendar="true" EnableTime="true"></MatDatePicker>
@antonianikolova Have you found a solution or have been informed of a solution? I've just implemented the standard MatDatePicker while I wait.
Hi, I also have a requirement to bind to a TimeSpan value for selecting a time only, would be great to have a time picker.
+1 for a time picker. It doesn't even be integrated with the date picker.
Also really need the time picker
I did realize that you can take the Mattextfield and put the type as time and convert the string to a time span and add it to a datetime
I would also love to have a TimePicker. The example: <MatDatePicker Label="Time from" TValue="DateTime?" @bind-Value="@FromTime" Minimum="@DateTime.MinValue" Maximum="@DateTime.UtcNow" Enable24hours="true" EnableTime="true" Format="HH:MM"> does not work for me. I only see a calendar, not a single time picker. I do not see a single time picker in that example here, too, where EnableTime is "presented": (from: I only see a calendar there, too. For me, it is a BUG which should be fixed asap. P.S. I use the newest MatBlazor version 2.8, it is the newest Nuget package. Regarding to this link, it should have worked sometime in the past: - One year later it is not working anymore?
P.S. As far as I'm aware, MatBlazor is using Material Design for most (if not all) of their components, and Material Design offers a TimePicker:
Edit: I have to correct myself again. For web, they do only have a screenshot, too: