nbinteract copied to clipboard
Can we use nbinteract with gitlab ?
Dear, I encounter this message error:
$ nbinteract init
[nbinteract] Initializing folder for nbinteract.
[nbinteract] Checking to see if this folder is the root folder of a git project.
[nbinteract] Looks like we're in the root of a git project.
[nbinteract] Checking for requirements.txt or Dockerfile.
[nbinteract] requirements.txt found.
[nbinteract] Generating .nbinteract.json file...
[nbinteract] No git remote called origin found. Please set up your
[nbinteract] project'sorigin remote to point to a GitHub URL. git error:
[nbinteract] Command 'git remote get-url origin' returned non-zero exit status
[nbinteract] 129.
While the git repository exists
$ git config --get remote.origin.url
[email protected]:user_xy/test_nbinteract.git
thanks for your help
best regards