> @SamHyler I don't think we need dependency here. Do you mean that it's not urgent? Then, we just keep it in backlog with low priority label. If you meant,...
I put 1 point for now, if we do A/B testing and depending on collab decisions it would be a larger size
should also revise the double message text: keep going and take a break
> #331 same. I created this issue ( as we were asked to do a content check. Let me know when you have time @thomasdemoner so we can figure out...
Val made a comment about including a line in content to the LP or elsewhere to let users know what they can use the LG for (for pardons as well,...
Just checking in: @ValeriyaMetla @jessicaherling I know of a Zoe who is a writer, but not a Zoya. Is this maybe the same person, or Val did you mean someone...
Step guide is created, waiting for more information from the database and other sources to finalize
> Note from Tom/Dev that as part of the usability testing results, we want to make sure the Privacy Policy is listed in the FAQ so it can be more...
@jbsteinhardt @Ndoyle118 I didn't see the issue created yet from last week so I created it now. Feel free to adjust the labels. Can't find the bracket on this keyboard,...
Just checking in - did we say we wanted to also ask about the terms around expungement in this survey or only the letter?