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Sam's Implementation of a simplified React for educational purpose.


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Sam's Implementation of a simplified React for educational purpose. See the slides I used for Cornell DTI's DevSesh.


The project aims to implement a very primitive version of React for web. It should be simple enough so that I could teach it to an average developer in a software project team in less than two hours.

Getting Started

I just want to play with it

  1. Install Yarn.
  2. Clone the repo.
  3. Run yarn in repo roots. It will install all dependencies and compile everything.
  4. Run yarn workspace demo start

I want to test my changes in sam-react

  1. Install Yarn.
  2. Clone the repo.
  3. Run yarn in repo roots.
  4. Run yarn workspace sam-react dev. It will watch changes in sam-react and auto re-compile.
  5. In another terminal, run yarn workspace demo start. Changes in sam-react will auto refresh your page.

Supported React Features

  • Native elements: only <div />, <span />, <a /> and <input />
    • The only prop allowed for div is className.
    • The only prop allowed for span is children, which must be a string.
    • The only prop allowed for a is href and children, and children must be a string.
    • The only props allowed for input is value and onChange
  • Plain text is automatically wrapped in span.
  • No support for variable number of children in JSX.
  • useState hook
    • Initializer must be a value instead of a function.
    • Returned setState only accepts new values instead of an update function.
  • useEffect hook
    • No support for dependency array.
    • No support for unmount/update cleanup callback.

Other Limitations

In addition to the features that are not supported, the project has these limitations:

  • Reconcilator is not very efficient when dealing with children changes.
  • The rerender schedular is naive.
  • Conditional rendering and other techniques become more awkward to write.
  • Zero support for a11y.
  • It is not compatible with all the currently available React libraries.


If you use this project in your company's production environment, you should probably promote yourself to customer.

My mini-react does not support all React features. For supported feature listed above, there is no guarantee that it works as it claims, since the code has not been thoroughly tested. (The only guarantee is that the demo site somehow works.)