Implement the citybuilder following you to the location point to found your new kingdom. Requires distance of at least 1,000 blocks from the guild. 17:36
In GitLab by @epicwarrior on Jun 4, 2021, 20:48 npc with a sword are missing there swing animation and crossbow npc are missing there reload animation and dont hold the...
Add an "event" display onto the worthiness bar when talking to the guildmaster, to show the attack for example.
We can port over a lot of the codebase from into ToK. This will be every useful for implementing new quests in a complex system.
In GitLab by @epicwarrior on Nov 17, 2020, 16:47 guild members/hunters take a while to notice a enemy mob and by that time i already killed it might wanna increase...
Someone requested extra utility commands like a give command for custom model data, imo makes sense to include basic methods for this stuff.
Some servers automate pack renewal in CI by sending a forcepack reload command, we can make this more secure and cancel lookups to the URL by adding an argument to...
We are currently resending the resource pack to open the prompt screen constantly. But if the player accepts, they could then receive another resource pack packet, which will cause it...
As per the discussion on #13, translations for velocity need to be added somehow. > Best idea is probably to have a language file with translation keys such as `servers.example-server.resourcepack.prompt="Please...