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[BUG] ...Cant perform OOBO from SFDC Service cloud
SFCC endpoints are connecting good, it shows that the website account is found. Error 1 : when clicking OOBO Could not load storefront. Please check if the customer status is active.Error 2: When clicking on status and try changing There was an error in updating the status. Please contact administrator.
Replication steps :
Login to QA4 > Login as Justin Varghese >
Perform the Error 1 and Error 2 steps. Note: this is happening in all sandboxes. Tested sandboxes QA3,QA4,preprod.QA3 connected to bdms--oo5 SFCCQA4 connected to development-na01Preprod connected to Stage SFCC
To perform any test, please use #1.SFCC support has had, tested and endpoints are connecting, however, these errors are non traceable in debug.This functionality is working in PROD. In sandboxes not sure if apex class picks anything specific to check if the customer is active? customer is active in SFCC - Verified ( user email: [email protected]) in QA4
Latest Console debug :
VM862:1 Refused to connect to 'https://dev.saksfifthavenue.com/s/SaksFifthAvenue/dw/shop/v17_4/sessions' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self' https://static.lightning.force.com/ https://api.bluetail.salesforce.com/ https://staging.bluetail.salesforce.com/ https://preprod.bluetail.salesforce.com/ https://s2.go-mpulse.net/ https://support.thebay.com/ *.go-mpulse.net *.force.com *.salesforceliveagent.com *.jquery.com https://returns.narvar.com/ https://oms.hbc.com/ https://www.thebay.com/ https://*.salesforceliveagent.com https://www.saksfifthavenue.com/ https://www.saksoff5th.com/ https://image.s5a.com/ https://saks--qa4.my.salesforce-scrt.com/ blob: *.visualforce.com https://saks--qa4--c.documentforce.com/ https://cs222.salesforce.com/ https://notification-service.sfproxy.null.ia5.aws.sfdc.cl/ wss://notification-service.sfproxy.null.ia5.aws.sfdc.cl/".