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Step "Deploy the b2c-crm-sync Application Code to Your Salesforce Org" Failing
Discussed in https://github.com/SalesforceCommerceCloud/b2c-crm-sync/discussions/144
Originally posted by ashusapient March 26, 2022 I am at step 14 i.e. "Deploy the b2c-crm-sync Application Code to Your Salesforce Org". I am giving command: npm run crm-sync:sf:org:deploy
Its resulting in error:
-- deploying the base meta-data to the specified Salesforce Org; please standby
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[ { "stack": "DeployFailed: Deploy failed.\n at DeployResultFormatter.display (/Users/ashmahaj/Downloads/b2c-crm-sync-master/node_modules/@salesforce/plugin-source/lib/formatters/deployResultFormatter.js:62:19)\n at Deploy.formatResult (/Users/ashmahaj/Downloads/b2c-crm-sync-master/node_modules/@salesforce/plugin-source/lib/commands/force/source/deploy.js:102:23)\n at Deploy.run (/Users/ashmahaj/Downloads/b2c-crm-sync-master/node_modules/@salesforce/plugin-source/lib/commands/force/source/deploy.js:32:21)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:93:5)\n at async Deploy._run (/Users/ashmahaj/Downloads/b2c-crm-sync-master/node_modules/@salesforce/command/lib/sfdxCommand.js:81:40)", "message": "Deploy failed.", "name": "DeployFailed", "exitCode": 1, "commandName": "Deploy", "code": "Error" } ]
CRM-SYNC | v0.9.0 | crm-sync:sf:deploy: END
What could be wrong? Please help. I am not able to move ahead.
On checking sfdx.log, I found following error log:
{"name":"sfdx","hostname":"WKMIN9447721","pid":76185,"log":"SfdxProjectJson","level":40,"msg":"The config file: /Users/ashmahaj/.sfdx/sfdx-project.json is not schema valid\nDue to: Validation errors:\nshould have required property 'packageDirectories'","time":"2022-03-26T15:25:52.581Z","v":0}
I observed that it was looking for file sfdx-project.json from .sfdx folder and not from the project folder where I am running the command from. To overcome this, I copied the sfdx-project.json to .sfdx folder and ran "npm run crm-sync:sf:org:deploy" again. Command failed again but the error in the log was different now as:
"name":"sfdx","hostname":"WKMIN9447721","pid":79571,"log":"MetadataApiDeploy","level":50,"errno":-60,"code":"ETIMEDOUT","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":443,"msg":"","time":"2022-03-27T06:36:33.537Z","v":0} is the ip address of my domain entered in .env file for SF_LOGINUR =spde12-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com
What could be wrong as I can access the IP or domain in my browser fine?
On trying to deploy manually using command: sfdx force:source:deploy -p src/sfdc/base I get following error
*** Deploying v52.0 metadata with SOAP API v53.0 connection *** Deploy ID: 0Af5G00001PcnIoSAJ DEPLOY PROGRESS | ████████████████████████████████████████ | 600/600 Components
=== Component Failures [4] Type Name Problem ───── ────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Error Account.B2C_Commerce_Customer_Profiles In field: RecordType - no RecordType named Account.B2CBusinessAccount found (277:18) Error B2C_CRM_SYNC In field: recordType - no RecordType named Account.B2CBusinessAccount found (1229:29) Error Account.B2CBusinessAccount The label:B2C Business Account on record type:Account.B2CBusinessAccount is not unique (284:18) Error Case ReadWriteTransfer is not a valid sharing model for Case when Account sharing model is Private