José Luis

Results 102 issues of José Luis

### Environment - @editorjs/editorjs version: 2.25.0 - react-editor-js version: 2.1.0 ### Describe Passing `i18n` object for internationalization through the `react-editor-js` latest version: Following the [documentation](, we pass both the `direction`...


### Describe the bug We did set up a project with NextJS 14 using CSS modules and postcss with preset-env and open props: ```json "dependencies": { "clsx": "2.1.0", "intl-locale-textinfo-polyfill": "2.1.1",...

compatibility with other tools
has workaround

### Describe the bug So we defined the following configuration: ```ts mport { Chip, CHIP_COLORS, CHIP_VARIANTS } from "./Chip"; const meta: Meta = { component: Chip, argTypes: { color: {...

needs triage

## Feature request ### Overview For testing the direction on many of the primitives, like `NavigationMenu` we need to pass the text direction as a property (`dir`). It is a...

**Describe the bug** We are using a tooltip on a table tool to show the user the dimensions of the table it is supposed to build; as the tool is...


Hello, I had a problem with the document I'm using to annotate a book. I saved it in `Markdown` mode, and as I have the linter plugin with a very...

I'm trying to text links with this package and I am getting inconsistent behavior. I defined a custom render as follows: ```typescript const mockPath = "/streaming"; const mockItem = {...

We found those tools very useful to be included in the editor, and also, by updating the editor, it can support internationalization and will have bug fixes. We also avoided...

This pull request adds `i18n` support for the editor based either on the current entry's chosen language or the browser's current language having English as a fallback language as asked...

Following the [documentation]( and also, knowing **Strapi** has literals for many different languages, this plugin could get the local language from **Strapi** and then set it as the **EditorJS** language....