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An example of a simple full-stack application. Using NodeJS + NestJS, React + SASS, MongoDB, NX monorepo, etc.

Full-stack application example

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  • Domain-Driven Hexagon - Guide on Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices etc.
  • Distributed systems topics list of topics and resources related to distributed systems, system design, microservices, scalability and performance, etc
  • Backend best practices - Best practices, tools and guidelines for backend development.

This is an example of a simple full-stack application that integrates with an external API.

The Application is a web app for searching movies. You can also add new movies that will be saved to a database and indexed in an external search engine.

Movie indexer app

This can be a good example for people who are trying to learn how to structure a full-stack application of a low-medium complexity.

Code examples cover things like testing, documentation, integration with external APIs, working with a database, configs and environmental variables, easy application setup, project folder/file structure etc.

Note: this repo is a work in progress, frontend is a bit messy and unfinished. Backend is mostly finished. Keep in mind that this is just an example app and it is not perfect.

Tech used:

Running the application

Note: You must have docker installed and running before continuing.

  • npm run setup - setups the application (installs dependencies, docker images, creates .env files).

  • Sign up in Algolia Developer hub https://www.algolia.com/developers/ and set your Algolia API keys in .env and .env.test files.

  • npm run docker:env - run docker environment (starts mongodb)

  • npm run seed:dev - seed database and index with some dummy data (docker environment must be running and api keys must be set in .env )

  • npm run start:dev - starts api and client

  • Client web application will be available at http://localhost:4200

  • API endpoints will be available at http://localhost:3333/api/v1/movies


  • http://localhost:3333/docs/ - open in browser to see api documentation (api must be running)
  • npm run test:api - run tests for api (docker environment must be running)
  • npm run test:client - run tests for client
  • npm run dep-graph - see dependency graph

Pending to do (mostly frontend):

  • Confirm dialog on movie deletion
  • Optimistic updates when a movie is created
  • Add query to URL when searching
  • Add tests to frontend (unit and cypress)
  • Polish UI/UX, refactor messy code, fix minor bugs

Feel free to contribute and improve code if you like.