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Learn Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices. Code examples included

Results 9 domain-driven-hexagon issues
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Thanks so much for effort writing all this, this repo has been my go to for helping me grok DDD books and their concepts in the context of something tangible.... when excute start:dev it throws error ```shell src/libs/ddd/infrastructure/database/base-classes/typeorm.repository.base.ts:47:47 - error TS2769: No overload matches this call. Overload 1 of 4, '(entities: DeepPartial[], options?: SaveOptions | undefined): Promise', gave the...

What is the best approach for multi-tenancy on TypeORM? Currently, I created a TenantModule (Credits to [Esposito Medium post]( to create and change de TypeORM connection on the fly. But...

- use unit of work port instead of the Implementation to ensure dependencies are used in one way (infrastructure) --->(core domain) - use userRepositoryPort instead of the Implementation UserRepository

Hello, thanks for great repository. I'm wondering how ordering shall be implemented with this interface? ``` export interface OrderBy { [key: number]: -1 | 1; } ``` How can I...

While working through your database implementation, I was wondering why `UserRepository` does not use `TypeormRepositoryBase.findOne`? Shouldn't we do this instead: const emailVO = new Email(email); const user = await...

Unpack method of value objects doesn't return the correct types for nested object values. Typescript shows as if an unpacked nested value object is still a value object.

@slonik/migrator is not compatible with slonik 30+, so you cannot create a migration. To reproduce just delete node_modules folder and try to npm install packages.