Sailendra Damaraju
Sailendra Damaraju
@horeaporutiu It didn't work. I followed the same docker -v Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b7f0 docker-compose -v docker-compose version 1.17.1, build unknown Docker File is updated when first time it...
I'm Using Ubuntu 18.04.4 Bionic Beaver on VMware I changed 3 files, 1. Dockerfile, 2.www/blockchain/config.js to isubuntu: true,3. peer-base.yaml network to buildblockchaininsuranceapp_default Still I'm not sure where it is going...
I got the same error sendproposal timed out On Fri, May 1, 2020, 05:36 Horea Porutiu wrote: > Can you take away your changes to peer base yaml file? What...
@horeaporutiu It worked for 8-9 seconds & the got not found with an error Timed out after 45000 unlike earlier, it didn't even run for 1 second.
Ok thanks @josecarlos3390 I need to know if you can send me working _layout.pug file without Logo & footer menu & language selector please. I'm.getting pug errors in spaces, etc....
Ok got it. Will try it today. I never thought to edit css always looked for the layout edit file. Thanks it never striked at all. 😊 On Tue, May...
@josecarlos3390 there's an issue with the header part even if i change the color to e0e0e0. it shows blue colored ibm logo. I'm also looking for other solution. will share...