goban copied to clipboard
Library for go move generation and go ruling.
Library to play with a rusty "Goban" (name of the board where we play Go !)
Use the version > 0.5.0 because in a bug detecting dead stones and in Ko detection
Channel : stable
Only contains move generation, and rules there is no IA, neither front-end.
- history // each game will have his all history so you can iterate over it. Decrease perfs !
Thanks to some help in profiling and optimisation we can run a playout randomly of an entire game in 3 ms (i7u 3.0 Ghz) (before it was 600ms ) !
Get legals moves and plays some random.
The most important struct is Game who has all you need to create and manages go games.
use crate::goban::rules::*;
use crate::goban::rules::game::*;
use rand::seq::IteratorRandom;
use goban::rules::game_builder::GameBuilder;
let mut g = Game::builder()
// .komi(7.5) Komi is hardcoded for each rule, but can be override like this.
let mut i = 35;
while !g.is_over() && i != 0 {
// legals return an iterator of (x,y) points (lazy)
.choose(&mut rand::thread_rng())
.map(|point| Move::Play(point.0,point.1))
i -= 1;
// None if the game is not finished
println!("{:?}", g.outcome());
// Inner array using row policy
println!("{:?}", g.goban().to_vec());
#[cfg(feature = "history")]
let mut iter_history = g.history().iter();
println!("{:?}", iter_history.next().unwrap());
println!("{:?}", iter_history.next_back().unwrap())
What works
- Capturing stones
- Playing
- Passing
- Resigning
- Implementation to count points
- Printing a pretty unicode Board on the terminal !
- SGF Import
- Generate legals moves (Handling Ko detection, Suicide moves, Super ko)
- Japanese Rules
- Chinese Rules
- Boards of different sizes (4x5 , 4x9) Limited to (19x19) (Due to Zobrist hashing) cas be easy increased in a fork.
- Experimental dead stones detection with MCTS rollouts.
Waiting for
- Const generics or maybe not (benchmark with a Goban with backed array is slightly faster)