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How to use a WebCam with SEB for mac?
The beta versions of iOS 14.3 and macOS 11.1 support WebRTC in the embedded WKWebView. We are working on integrating WKWebView instead of the older (UI)WebView into SEB for macOS/iOS, so access to the webcam/microphone should be possible in updated versions of SEB and when using those latest iOS and macOS versions.
SEB 3.0 for macOS and iOS will use the modern WebKit browser engine (WKWebView) and therefore support camera and microphone access (getUsetMedia, WebRTC) when using the operating system versions mentioned above. The release is planed in Q2/2021. It already works in the current iOS beta version.
Is there any where I can grab a beta version copy of the Mac SEB with WebRTC so I can continue testing our integration with SEB? I have a beta of the Windows version which has been working great, but I've not gotten a reply to my inquiry for the Mac version.
See the post above, the release is planed in Q2/2021. This is the only timeline we can communicate right now. If there would already be a beta available, we would have mentioned it. For communication about new developments and pre-release versions, we use our Twitter account.
Stable beta versions we will add as a pre-release version to the releases section in this repository.
Previously we placed preview versions in this repository:, but now we would only use that for non-stable developer versions.
Trying to demo this to some potential users, alike how we have used the 3.2 beta for Windows that was kindly shared. We tried to compile seb-mac 2.2 branch (is this the correct branch?) It fails beause "./WebServices/Safe Exam Browser-Bridging-Header.h" is missing, was this overlooked during checking? Otherwise is it possible to provide a DMG for macOS usage that can be used to demonstrate this to others?
Read the previous posts. There is no macOS version with WebRTC yet. You might have to wait until end of Q2/2021 (= end of June).
My apologies, we were hoping we could possibly assist in getting seb-mac to use the new WKWebView method. Master branch builds and runs, but the 2.2_modern-webview branch failed to build+run locally due to missing files as mentioned above, so we cannot offer any PRs. We'd otherwise be happy to provide sponsorship if that would help.
Thank you for offering help, but the scope of the integration of WKWebView is way too big and too consequential for future development to be covered with an external contribution. I don't have time to go into details, but there's a kind of refactoring involved and unifying the code bases of the iOS with the macOS version.
If you want to contribute financially to SEB development, please consider becoming contributor to the SEB Alliance:
Hi, just wondering if you have any news to share for macOS version?
We will communicate when the version is released, we don't give any information about release dates in advance anymore.
You can now test SEB 3.0 for macOS with support for WebRTC (getUserMedia Web API). As mentioned before, Apple supports this only from macOS 11.1 Big Sur and later.
I just download SEB 3.0 to do my exam. The exam displays camera at the corner but shows nothing because it seems that my camera is not accessed. I also checked in Security & Privacy/ Camera and SEB is not listed here. Is it problem of SEB or problem of my examination .seb file? Can anyone help me to solve this problem? I'm using MacOS Big Sur 11.6. I also try SEB 3.1 but it's still not work.
Settings have to be correct for SEB being able to use the camera. For example in Moodle, the Moodle-SEB integration needs to be updated, which will be the case in Moodle 4.0.
For developers of other exam solutions/LMS with SEB integration: You need to follow these instructions to make sure that the modern WebView is used, see release notes of SEB 3.0. The PHP open source code of the updated Moodle-SEB integration (to be released in Moodle 4.0 and as a plugin for older Moodle versions) will soon be available if you want to use that as a template for your own solutions.
I am currently working on configuring SebClientSetting.seb files for managing settings in a Secure Exam Browser (SEB) environment. I have successfully configured various settings using these files on both Windows and macOS platforms. However, I'm encountering an issue with enabling webcam access programmatically on macOS.
On Windows, I've been able to enable webcam access using the SebClientSetting.seb configuration file without any issues. However, on macOS, it seems that users need to manually invoke keyboard shortcuts (such as Command+Shift+ F3 and F6) to enable camera access within the Secure Exam Browser.
Is there a way to programmatically enable webcam access in the macOS Secure Exam Browser environment using the SebClientSetting.seb configuration file? I've thoroughly reviewed the documentation and searched online resources, but I haven't found a solution yet.
Any insights, suggestions, or pointers to relevant resources would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.