Sadam Hussain Memon
Sadam Hussain Memon
``` import cv2 import pandas as pd import os import numpy img_folder_path='/media/sadam/44C611803928605D/Downloads/ChestXray-NIHCC/a/00000003_000.png' frame=cv2.imread(img_folder_path) ac_bbox = '/home/sadam/CheXNet-with-localization/output/bounding_box.txt' pd_bbox = '/home/sadam/CheXNet-with-localization/bounding_box.txt' def plot_bbox(img_folder_path, bbox_filename): actual_bbox=open(bbox_filename) img_folder_path=os.path.split(img_folder_path)[-1] #print(img_folder_path) count=0 temp_count=0 final_bbox_list=[] for img...
> @Sadam1195 @thtang Two questions please: > > a. How did you get the bounding_box.txt in output folder? Is it the ground truth? > b. Why does some image have...
> please how to replicate I am getting issue during replication of this study. Please help me if possible thanks It is impossible to help you out without you providing...
> @Sadam1195 @thtang > I have done image preprocessing. Now I want to train the network but as the memory dumped in preprocessing but still, I have been done it....
No, language is not the issue. I think there is some logical error in code (idk where and what) which is why it doesn't return correct timestamps of speech detected...
Hello @EbtesamJubran I think your file might be corrupted, have you tried this with different files?
@EbtesamJubran Glad that I could help. You can close the issue now. :)
``` import sounddevice as sd import numpy as np import soundfile as sf from vad import VoiceActivityDetector filename = '/home/sadam/saddam.wav' # path to your filename here y, sr =
> > Hi, for creating image from raw, there is assumption that all images in source folder have been resized to the desired size. You may try to print the...
you must be reading file with `import as wav` which can only read/load wav files. To work this with .flac files you need to change your loader function, change...