dotfiles copied to clipboard
Dotfiles for zsh and some cli tools
- Installation
- Requirements
- Available profiles/configurations
Wallpaper More screenshots(old)
How to install
- Clone this repository
- Run
./install-profile <profile-name>
to symlink all configs or./install-standalone <config-name>
to symlink only one of them - Done!
All safe, it won't kill your dotfiles, if folder/file already exists you'll see error during install process
My dotfiles managed by DotBot™
To experience the full power of my Dotfiles you need:
i3-gaps - dynamic tiling window manager - config
- polybar - fast and easy-to-use tool for creating status bars - config
- rofi - window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
- picom - compositor for X - config
- dunst - lightweight and customizable notification daemon - config
- conky - light-weight system monitor for X - config
- psd - Symlinks and syncs browser profile dirs to RAM - config
- clipmenu - clipboard management using dmenu
- maim - takes screenshots of your desktop
- feh - used to manage wallpaper
- sxiv - Simple X Image Viewer
- kitty - A cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator with ligatures support - config
neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability - config
- vim-plug - Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
- zsh - powerful shell that operates as both an interactive shell and as a scripting language interpreter - config
- mpv - video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2 - config
- paru -An AUR helper and pacman wrapper - config
- Fonts:
- FiraGO - interface font
- FiraCode - terminal font
- FuraCode - used for icons in polybar and conky
- FontAwesome - used for icons in polybar and conky
- Material Design Icons - used for icons in polybar and conky
Available profiles/configurations
- workstation (all configs)
- bin
- conky
- dotfiles
- dunst
- firefox
- htop
- i3
- keepassxc
- kitty
- mpv
- neofetch
- neovim
- paru
- picom
- polybar
- psd
- ranger
- systemd
- topgrade
- xresources
- zsh